Chapter 25

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Sitting in front of my therapist was more nerve-racking then it should be. But she was glaring at me from over her glasses.

    I looked up from my hands and just looked at her. The pen in her hand was twirling around her fingers. Her eyes pierced mine.

    I gulped and gave her my best 'I'm sorry' smile.

    Dr. Connor rolled her eyes and sighed. She rubbed her forehead roughly.

    "Where have you been, Camellia?"

    She sounded tired. Now that I looked at her she really looked exhausted.

    Dark circles were under her eyes. Her body wasn't held with professionalism anymore. She slouched a bit.

    "I'm sorry," I say softly. I truly was. "A lot has happened. And it's not exactly good. Rex drove me here because I'm so scared to leave the house."

    Her hard face softened a bit. Her eyes held sympathy once more.

    "Tell me then, Camellia. What exactly happened."

    So I told her. I told her how I saw Rex with another girl. How upset I was and how I ran. How I drove back to the house with every intention of leaving.

    How the man, Frederick, kidnapped me. How they tied me up and how scared and confused I was. How I managed to text someone before my phone was taken and thrown out the window.

    I told her how scared I was when that guy tore my clothes off of me. Leaving me in nothing but a bra and underwear. I told her how dirty I felt and the feeling of how the ropes dug into my skin.

    I even showed her the scars. The rope really did a number on my wrists.

    Then I told her how that guy took me to a room. I told her what he said. The words that still haunted my dreams.

    He just left me. Even when I screamed and begged him not too.

    I told her what that man did to me. How he flipped me over with ease. How I screamed and cried. How I tried my best to move.

    Sometimes I could still feel his filthy hands on me in my sleep. I would wake up screaming, trying to push off imaginary hands.

    Then I told her how Jet came in. He saved me. I told her about Rex being there and taking me back to his place.

    I still remember when I thought I hadn't been saved. I told her about that. How I freaked out and how Rex helped me.

    Then how quickly I forgot my own brother was rubbing my back. How I freaked out.

    I told her Fredrick hadn't been caught by the police when they found the place. That it was the reason I didn't want to leave the house. I was so scared of getting taken again.

    "Camellia, honey, you don't need to say anymore. It's alright."

    Only then did I realize I was crying. My whole body was shaking. I've never cried in front of Dr. Connor before.

    I've never let myself get that vulnerable around her.

    Sure, I'd shake a little, but I never cried. I would get angry about it all.

    Anger was better than fear. Anger kept people going. It kept me going. But now nothing but fear ruled my life.

    I honestly didn't know how I was going to go on. I was back to being weak.

    "I'm sorry."

    She gave me a sad, but soft, smile. "You have nothing to be sorry for. That's a horrible thing to have to go through. Do you want to go to the police?"

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