Chapter 21: Family First

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I looked at myself in the mirror as I dried my hair one more time with my hair dryer. I picked up my hair brush and started to style my hair. Next, I started to apply my lip gloss. I had to look extra pretty for today at school.

While I applied my lip gloss, someone knocked on my door. I'm really secure about the people I let in my room, so I stood up from my dresser, went to my door and looked through the key hole. Betty's face was showing with the food cart behind her.
She then knocked again saying,
"Clara, your breakfast is ready"

I opened the door and we stood in front of each other. Betty smiled weakly at me,

"Good Morning!" She greeted.

"Morning" I said with a small smile.

She brought the food cart inside my room.

She reached my coffee table and started to lay out my breakfast. As she did so, she developed a conversation with me,
"So did you sleep well last night?" She asked,

" was normal" I lied,


"All good" She simply said.

I then approached her and sat down on the couch next to the coffee table and whispered to her,
" is Harris? Did you take him back?"

Betty smile dropped but came back up,

"Yes, it was really hard, but it's for the best" She sighed.

"I'm really sorry. Don't worry this will all be over soon, I swear it"

"Yes I know, I know. I wanted to ask you something Clara"

"Okay?" I said with one eyebrow up.

"Where were you last night?" She said looking straight at me.

I blinked at her sudden straight question that just came out of nowhere.
"Excuse me?" I asked confused.

"Um, I-I came to your room to serve your dinner but your door wasn't open and I knocked thousands of times but you never answered. So I was worried because your father was asking for you"

"Oh. I apologize for the delay, I was just busy" I said biting my lip.

"Busy with what?" She asked.

Okay, she not only was she acting weird but her questions made me feel uncomfortable and that made me lose it,
"Why do you want to know so bad?!" I said a little loud standing up.

Betty furrowed her eyebrows,
"It's just you've been acting pretty strange lately and you weren't acting like yourself. I've even noticed that you usually wear makeup these days"

I curled my lip, she was telling the truth.

Since Mike came into my life, I've been more considerate about how I looked, dressed, acted and a lot more to my personality and character whenever I'm around him. I guess it's just a normal thing people do when it comes to crushes.

"You know I've seen this behaviour from experience before so I know you're hiding something" Betty said wiggling her eyebrows.

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