Chapter 7: The Meeting

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"-yes where will we meet sir?"

"At my casino, when you get there you call me, the others will be waiting for you"

"Ok then I'm looking forward to seeing you"

"No it's pleasure meeting you Alia Regan"

"Thank you for your time"
Alia ended the call and smirked to herself. She had called one of the drug dealers she was going to meet and set up a meeting with him in Mexico at his casino. In a few days, they would take Easton's private jet to Mexico but they had to do it in secret. Easton had told her not to travel to other countries or states for the sake of the business. Easton had warned her about the police lurking around and if they see her she may get arrested.

So she decided to use his private jet instead of going to the airport. She walked out of the room, which her and Easton shared and went to the kitchen. It was afternoon so it was time for lunch.
Alia was the first to be there so it was empty except for the maids that were working in the kitchen next to the dining room. She sat at the dining table settling herself. She began to get busy on her phone. Easton came a few minutes later and sat on the chair at the head of the dining table, Alia next to him. They started to talk about her business and other things.

Daniel then came right after. He was feeling a bit better after the burial but he wasn't healed whole. At least the physical pain had gone. He sat next to his mother as they all engaged into a conversation. The maids started to bring the variety of foods to the table. It was much but if it remained, then the maids could have it.
As they ate, Eaton noticed that his daughter wasn't here. He swallowed his food before asking,
"Where is Clara honey?"
Alia looked up from her food to him. She acted all innocent.
"I don't know dear, maybe she skipped lunch"
Easton sighed. Why did it not surprise him. He rubbed his forehead. A maid passed the dining table with a tray which was covered by another one.
Easton saw her and stopped her.
"What's in the tray and where are you taking it to?"

"It's food sir, and I'm taking it to Ms Clara's room"

"Why?" Daniel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"She said I should just bring her food up to her room"

"She doesn't want to eat here" Easton muttered.
"Drop the food here" Easton ordered the maid. The maid obeyed without thinking twice. She dropped the tray on the dining table next to Daniel and turned to the kitchen to attend to other matters.

"Yes sir?" The maid said turning around to face her boss.

"Call my daughter from her room and tell her to come downstairs"

"Ok sir"

Clara came downstairs in her flip flops and went to the huge dining room. She had her usual blank face. She approached him and stood in front of her father, intentionally blocking Alia from seeing him
"You called me?" She asked folding her arms.

"Yes sit down let's eat"

"Oh God.." Clara muttered

"Clara why don't you want to eat in the dining room with us?" Her father asked.

"I just felt like eating in my own personal space, is that bad?" Clara said.

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