Chapter 2: School is the place

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The next day, Easton had seen the news that morning. He stood up, a glass of wine in his hand and he called in his family,

"Which one of you killed a girl, a teenager named Jessica Johnson?" Easton asked straight forwardly

"I didn't, Not this time" Alia replied checking her nails.

"Nope" Daniel said with hands in his pocket

Clara stayed silent.
Easton turned to her, not hearing her answer,
"Clara, did you do it?" He asked. Alia and Daniel then turned to look at Clara.

"What do you think?" Clara said simply and left the room. Easton looked at his wife and son,

"I don't think it's her". He said sipping his wine.

"Of course she's not" Daniel said with less concern. He rolled his eyes

"She's not that daring to murder someone, it's obvious". Easton said.

"Yes honey, maybe it's another criminal from the neighborhood". Alia said walking up to her husband and put her hands on Easton's shoulder, "Besides it's not our business, that Jessica girl isn't our problem".

Alia and Daniel then left the room leaving Easton with his own thoughts,
"Maybe Alia is right, it's not my problem, but was it Clara? No, she's just too naive to commit crime. She's a high schooler anyway" He sat back on the couch and changed the channel.


Clarissa looked at herself, sitting on her dressing table with her facing the mirror, thinking about how her life will be if she gave into the world of crime.
As she brushed her hair, she saw a spot of blood on the left father side of her neck where her long silky black hair rested.

Images of Jessica's dead body crawled back into her mind....

Tye way Jessica's screams filled the forest kept ringing in her ear but it left soon as she remembered the cause of it.
She only killed her just to get Alia out of her head at least for now. When she returned home after her kill she finally calmed down and this time no more disturbing dreams of Alia.

Murder was the only way to calm her down.


Forgot I have English class first. Just hope that stupid Alia won't stop me" Clara said hastily making her way to her bathroom....

Clara got to class 20 minutes late and of course that got her in trouble. She always believed that women had to take their time looking good.

"Clarissa Regan Belle! Freeze right where you are!" Miss Rose ordered, her back faced the class as she wrote on the board.

Clara casually, just ignored her teacher and since Mrs Rose had noticed her, she had no reason to sneak in. So she just walked to her seat, her perfect shaped hips swaying as she moved.

"Clara didn't you hear me?!" Her teacher asked with a commanding tone but Clara still didn't stop.

She sat on her seat on the second row on the right and got her books and pens out.
Miss Rose stopped writing on the board, slamming her marker on her table making the whole class to jump. She hastily walked towards Clara's seat who didn't even flinch. Clara already knew she was in trouble, she always expected it.

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