Chapter 20: Only Mine

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This chapter contains offensive and explicit words.

Betty was folding her washed and ironed uniform and putting it in her closet and as she did so, she thought about Harris. She was sure that he must have finished school by now. She wished she could see him again and again as if it was part of life, but that wasn't going to happen, she knew that. As she picked up another one to fold, one of the maids, Willow came into the room.

When she told Betty that Daniel was calling for her, she swallowed a huge amount down her throat. She folded her remaining cloth and put it in her closet.

Betty left for Daniel's room but on getting there, the door was locked.
She got annoyed, another maid saw her in the hallways and directed her to where Daniel was.

Her eyes widened at the mention of the place.

"Why is he there?" She asked but the maid just shrugged and walked away.

She wasted no time in going there.

She found herself at the other side of the mansion. At the end of the path, was the dreaded small house, where traitors and backstabbers had lost their lives due to their lack of loyalty.

The place was giving her a creepy, dark vibe as she got closer to it. She was scared that she might have done something wrong or messed something up to make Daniel angry.

The small cabin came in sight, it's rusty wooden surfaces showed itself as she was five foot away now, looking at it. At the door steps, were small splashes of dried up blood from years ago. She didn't know who's blood ended up there and she didn't even want to know.

She did a short prayer and went up the door steps. She expected the door to be bonded closed with rusty chains and an old bloody padlock but when she looked down, close to the door, she saw the rusty chains and the padlock.

She now knew that Daniel was really in here and this wasn't some kind of prank.

She took a deep breath but immediately regretted it as the salty high smell of blood filled her nostrils. When she pushed the door open it made a small creaking sound, releasing the bloody odor from it.

It was terrible.

There was a hallway and the only doorway to the main room was at the left side. She looked to her right and saw different deadly torture weapons hanged on the wall, stained with blood and dirt. It looked horrible terrifying.

A shiver ran down her spine as the recalled screams came into her head.
She looked away, slowly going down the long hallway. 
"Hello?" She said softly

"Sir Daniel? A-are you here?"

The only response was her echoing voice. Her heavy breathing was followed by her beating heart.

Unexpectedly, a knife was thrown quickly out of the door way entrance right into the hallway. Betty shrieked, jumping back as her heart beat loudly out of her chest.

"Make. It. Quick." A female voice said from the entrance.

Betty wasted no time and not minding the person in fear of her life, walked straight ahead, passing the bloody table right beside the entrance.

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