Chapter 18: Hide And Seek!

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Alia had dressed into more comfortable clothes and made her target for the maids quarters. She was so curious about how their faces and reactions will be when they see their master is finally back.

Honestly, she would have saved herself the trouble by just looking at security cameras for the maids quarters but she wanted to go the extra mile just to see how the maids would act.

She had made sure she was always looking as fabulous as ever. That was her second life goal.
Daniel first, her beauty second.

She pays up to 50,000 a year just to get the ideal rich makeup materials for her face. Easton never complained about her money usage.

The maids quarters was close and she used the time to fix up her hair. Soon Pepe saw her and greeted her. Alia greeted back.
Pepe then started a conversation with her, but it didn't last for that long,

"Hey mommy! Look what I can do!"

Harris said as he did a forward role on the ground.
He giggled as Betty clapped for him.

That's very nice honey but be careful. Don't want to bruise your head now"

"Aww but I don't wanna" Harris whined.

"Oh cmon Harris listen to your mommy" Flora said as she sat down beside Betty on the bed.

Harris shook his head,
"Uh-uh! rolling is fun!" He said stubbornly

"Yes I know but you could injured yourself" Betty said trying to change his mind.

"I will not...get hurt!"

"Oh yeah...what makes you think that?" Flora said with a smirk.

"I'm super-no mommy says I'm superman!"

Annie snickered at the background.

You know..superman from the movies.." Harris explained as if no one knew what he meant.

"Well superman can get defeated too by kryptonite"

Harris finally gave Flora his attention.
"So, if you don't stop rolling, legend says that your brain will turn upside down" Flora said in a low tone to him.

Concern filled Harris's eyes in a second. He suddenly touched his puffy, curly orange hair. He blinked.

"Uh huh" Flora smirked nodding at him.

Harris thought for a while,
"I don't want my brain to turn upside...down"

"Good then stop rolling ok?"

Harris was sad but he then nodded in approval.

"What do you say to your aunt Flora?" Betty said her eyebrows raised up,

"Thank you" Harris said stubbornly.

"That's a good boy!" Betty smiled loving her little boy. He was such a good kid.

Harris smiled and then he went over to play with Annie who was on the other bunk bed.

"He's such an angel isn't he?" Flora smiled as she watched Harris play with Annie.
Annie picked him up and flew him around like an airplane. Harris just laughed.

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