Chapter 3: Suspicions

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"Don't come here, stay away from me y-you monster!" Tina said moving back to keep a safe distance away from the crazy girl who was about to murder her but as usual Clara did the opposite.

As Tina looked around for an escape, Clara dives her knife towards her, but Tina held Clara's hand firmly and kicked her in the gut so she could have enough time to run. Clara fell to the ground clinching to her stomach. Tina quickly picked up her phone and dialed Daniel's number while running towards the door of the abandoned house. Clara immediately got up ignoring the pain in her stomach, and went after Tina,

"Hello...Daniel! Please get here fast...your crazy sister is trying to-"

Before Tina could finish her desperate call for help, Clara knocked the phone out of Tina's hands as it fell to the floor.
Tina could have made a move but a knife came crashing to her back. Tina screamed loudly in pain. It was so unbearable. It was if the cold metal blade was dug deep into her body.

She may be an excellent thief, but she wasn't a strong body, that was for sure.

Clara rose her knife and stabbed her again as blood slowly flowed out of her mouth, streaming down her jaw and dropped on her clothes. Despite her groans you could still hear the swishy sounds her flesh made.

Tina fell to the ground and unfortunately hit her head on the kitchen counter of the abandoned house, blood flowing down her forehead.
Swiping the sweat off her forehead, Clara picked the phone off the floor. Daniel was still connected,

"Hello?.....hello?!.....babe are you there?"

Clara cut the call and threw the phone on the ground. She picked up a rock, big enough to be larger than her own hand and smashed the phone to a condition that it could never be put back together. As she turned to leave, she heard someone come into house. She immediately hid.

"Tina!?, Tina? I'm here where are you?" The person called.

Clara eyes widened.
It was her step-brother.
"Tina! What the-! Who did this to you?" Daniel asked as he saw the lifeless body lying in its own blood.

"Tina, wake up!, let's go home. Tina?" He said as he shook her body in effortless attempt to wake her up.

He couldn't do anything about it and he knew it. Tina was gone-forever. Clara hid behind a wall watching Daniel in despair. She smirked at her step-brothers sorrow. Seeing people in pain always made her smile especially people she hated.

"That will teach that bitch not to ever mess with me. She couldn't even fight for long, pfft!" she said to herself. She turned around to exit the house using the back way.

On her way out, she stepped on a twig, which made a loud crack. She froze.
Daniel snapped his head up to the sound. He looked around. He quietly stood up leaving Tina behind and quietly walked to where the sound came from. He didn't want to ask who was there. That would scare away whoever was there. As Daniel got closer to where Clara was hiding, Clara made a quick run for the back door.

It took a lot of courage to make that stupid move, because Daniel had followed her immediately she ran out of the house.
Clara ran as fast as her legs could carry her not minding the pain in her stomach. If she spent one second resting or she stopped, she was gonna regret it. Daniel was going to teach her lesson, one that her father won't even be able to save her from.

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