Chapter 4: It's Just The Begining

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A tear slid down her face as she held the picture tightly,
"Why?!" She asked her mother in the picture.

"Why?! Why did you leave me to live this life? You promised you would never leave me! Well guess what?!" She cried pointing at her mother in the picture, "you lied! You lied to me!" She added.
She started to cry quietly so that no one could hear her sounds of emotional pain. Even if anyone heard, who would care in this damn mansion anyways.....

Clara cried softly in her cell as she buried her face in between her legs. She took out the picture containing only her mother's face. She had tore it off from the portrait on the run before she could enter jail so she could have her mother by her side all the time. The cell was dark but her mother in the torn picture was still visible.
"You left me and caused me this suffering mom" she whispered to the picture as she traced a finger on it.

"We had so many memories and you had to add your death to it"

"This is all Alia's fault, her and her son, they are dead now, so we are in peace now mother, in peace" she said as she smiled to herself, as she cried.

She kissed the picture and put it back into her orange jail jumpsuit pocket. She looked up to the only window in the cell as rays of the natural night's light came through it. She could hear the crickets from outside as if they where making music. Nights were as bad as it was in the morning in prison.....
Clara was still crying when she suddenly heard people yelling outside. She quickly cleaned her tears and went to the window to see what was happening outside. Her sad face immediately faded away as she looked at the scene with a bored look,

"Looks like he's alive, that bastard"
It was Daniel. He's clothes were all torn and dirty, his hair so messy.

"Wow was the wild that harsh?" Clara asked herself smirking at the view.

He had come home only to be held back by the guards. He was arguing with them, yelling at the top of his voice. Clara thought he looked foolish yelling all around the place like that.

Doesn't he know that he could draw attention?

She watched for a few minutes from her room window. Daniel finally broke free from the guards and was running towards the house main entrance doors, but two other guards just held him back, and kicked him in the gut making him fall down in pain. If the guards didn't let him go in the house, they would die, or let's just say Alia will kill them.

She kept watching as Daniel struggled with both of the guards, some other guards started to gather, Daniel finally pulled out a gun pointing it at them. He started to shout curses at them. Alia came running out of the house with her heels, Clara's father running after her towards the scene.

'How the hell can that witch run in heels?!' Clara asked herself.
This could be interesting.
Clara put her family portrait back under her bed quickly but carefully so no one could see it. Alia had already taken everything she loved from her, and she won't let her take away her only last loved possession. She made her way downstairs and ran out of the mansion towards the scene.

Alia and Easton finally reached them. Alia gasped in horror as she saw her son's present state.
"STOP!!!" She ordered. Everyone froze at her voice.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Easton asked with so much command that his guards started to get scared.

"Boss, we saw this man claiming to be Daniel Regan so we pinned him down"

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