Chapter 37 -- Four Years Later

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My eyes flutter open, as the sunlight shines in the room. I get out of bed, stretching my stiff arms. I cannot believe that it has already been four years since we first journeyed to the sea. It feels like yesterday when we defeated Zeke, Reiner, Bertholdt, and Pieck, thus reclaiming Wall Maria.

In order to start my morning routine, I head to the restroom and brush my hair, before brushing my teeth and taking a shower. Once I get out of the shower, I change into some black pants, a black crop top, my Survey Corps jacket, and some black shoes, before pulling my hair back into a high ponytail.

After that, I go downstairs and join the others in the dining hall. I glance around the room, knowing that a lot has changed. We managed to rebuild the Survey Corps, strengthened our military, and made connections with people from other nations. Along with that, I was promoted to Squad Leader, whose second only to Levi. When I was first informed about my promotion, it completely surprised me. Levi acknowledged that I deserve it not only because I'm humanity's second strongest soldier, but I have a level head and can maintain my composure in bad situations.

I make my way to Levi, whose sitting with the other Captains and Squad Leaders. As I sit down next to him, a smile curves around my lips. In the past, he wasn't the type to socialize with others. Instead, he kept his distance from people. If anything, I'm proud of him.

"You're late, brat."

My cheeks flush in embarrassment, as his grey eyes seem to pierce through my soul. "Sorry to keep you waiting," I say, meeting his gaze. "If I happen to oversleep again, please come and wake me up, Levi."

He raises his eyebrows, as a slight smirk forms on his lips. Before he could answer me, the door of the dining hall slams open, as the entire room falls silent. Hange stands in the doorway, having her hands on her hips.

"We received a letter from Eren!" She shouts, which causes everyone to stare at her. "Abby, Levi, Jean, Armin, Mikasa, come with me. We need to meet with the premier right away." I nod slowly, as Levi and I get to our feet and approach her. Jean, Armin, and Mikasa follow right behind us, having serious expressions on their faces.

Once we arrive at the meeting room, Dhalis Zachary, Pyxis, Nile Dok, Yelena, and Onyankopon are already in there waiting for us. "Have a seat," the premier states, adjusting his glasses. "We have some important information to discuss. Just a few minutes ago, we received word from Eren Jaeger. He spoke about a declaration of war and an invasion on the city of Liberio."

"Tsk. That stupid brat."

"He's not leaving us much of a choice," Hange admits, crossing her arms in annoyance. "If we don't assist him in the raid on Liberio, it's likely they'll capture him and have someone eat him." I nod lightly and stare at my clenched fists, knowing there's only one way out of this situation.

"Besides, no matter how you look at it, the situation is very disadvantageous to us," Armin acknowledges. "If we go there and help him attack the other nations of the world, then they'll retaliate. However, even if we don't do a thing, they would still plan on eliminating everyone on Paradis."

"Although it seems very unfavorable to you, this attack on Liberio will help your position," Yelena states, which captures everyone's attention. "Marley is easily one of the most powerful and influential nations in the entire world. If we don't launch an assault on Marley now, then they will prepare their armies and attack us."

"You make a fair point," Dhalis Zachary proclaims, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration. "Even so, he's getting very out of control. Hange, come up with a plan and go save him. Once you return, there will be repercussions for his actions."

Hange closes her eyes and nods lightly. "Of course."

Soon after that, the meeting is dismissed. With Hange leading the way, we instantly locate the other members of the Survey Corps, who are still seated in the dining hall and eating breakfast, which is a slice of bread, potatoes, and a glass of water.

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