Chapter 6 -- Pyxis' Plan

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We finally retreat into Wall Rose. As for now, everyone was either resting or readying their equipment for standby. I sit at the edge of a table with Jean, Reiner, Annie, and Bertholdt. I bet they're completely shocked about Eren being a titan, I think to myself.

"If we never found the gas, then we would've never gotten out of trouble," Connie states, glancing at Historia, Ymir, and another cadet. "Basically, we got lucky. That's it." His face falls as concerned looks appear on Historia's and the other cadet's faces.

"That sounds terrible," Historia says worriedly, pursing her lips. "I'm so sorry. We volunteered to run supplies out to everyone, but the situation was so bad." Connie forces a smile, resting his hands on the table.

"We even found some gas to give out to you guys, but then everything went to hell," Ymir adds, placing her elbow on Historia's head. My face softens as a smile curves around my lips. No wonder people ship YumiHisu, I ponder to myself. "So, you're saying that everyone who isn't here now didn't make it...?" Historia asks nervously.

Connie frowns. "Yeah..."

"Wait, what about Mikasa?"

"No, no. She's good," Connie murmurs. "She made it in after us with the group Jean led." Ymir furrows her eyebrows in concentration, turning her attention towards Jean. The wind blows furiously against my hair as I clench my fists in rage. Why didn't I stay with Mikasa, Eren, and Armin? "Hey, Jean!" Where in the world is Mikasa? She get hurt or what?" Ymir calls.

"Hey, talk to us."

Jean looks in their direction for a moment before chugging down some water. "I'd tell you if I could," he responds quietly. "They slapped us with a gag order." Their eyes widen in shock as I look at them over my shoulder.

"Oh. You're joking, right?"

"That's nuts."

"They're nuts if they think people aren't gonna talk." Jean scowls. "Word will get out. When it does... Well, that is if we survive..." Our attention switches to a cadet who suddenly takes out his sword to end everything, but Marco intercepts it.

Suddenly, a loud cannon shot echoes through the city, followed by large amount of smoke coming from inside of Wall Rose. Everyone stands up and looks in that direction, being completely shocked.

"Cannon fire, but why just one shot?"

"Look! Smoke! It's inside the wall!"

"Did it bust down the water gate?"

"It's impossible. It's the sturdiest part of the whole wall."

"Maybe, they set off a shell by accident."

"But, why is there so much smoke?"

"Not now..." Jean murmurs as Reiner grabs his blades. "Is that titan steam?" Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt, and Jean hurry towards the cannon fire. A smile curves around my lips as I casually drink some of my water. Eren partially transformed into a titan to protect Mikasa and Armin. In a few minutes, Armin will convince them to free Eren and retake the city of Trost.

Later that day, we were ordered to gather around the wall and wait for further instructions. When the other soldiers were told about a plan to retake Trost, most of found it ludicrous. Some voiced that there was no way anyone could block the hole created by the colossal titan. One of the soldiers began to panic, followed by a few others, and soon, the situation was in disarray.

"ATTENTION!" Pyxis yells as everyone stops and stares at him. "I will now brief you about the operation for retaking Trost! The goal of this operation is to block the shattered gate! As for the means of blocking it, I shall now introduce him. Eren Jaeger of the cadets! Don't let appearances deceive you. This young man is the successful product of cutting edge science. Fantastic as this may sound, cadet Jaeger possesses the ability to fabricate and control a titan body at will. Recall the massive boulder near the gate. Cadet Jaeger will assume titan form and put it on his back and then shut the hole! And, this is where all of you come in! Your job will be to defend him! Yes, defend the titan against his own kind!"

The plan was met with disbelief and resistance, and a large number of soldiers start to walk away while saying that they want to spend their final days with their families. As more and more follow, one of the commanders in the crowd attempts to impose capital punishment by executing them.

"Anyone wishing to leave will not be charged with treason!" The garrison commander declares, causing everyone to stop and listen. "Those who seen a titan firsthand will not be expected to revisit the horror again! Whoever this applies to, you may leave with my blessing! Additionally, anyone with family or loved ones may also leave. The crowd will continue to recognize your service! Thank you and good luck!"

This statement causes the soldiers to pause and rethink their decisions before returning to their positions. I raise my eyebrows. Even though Pyxis will hardly ever side with the survey corps or military police, he's still an admirable leader. If I wasn't set on joining the survey corps, I would definitely join the garrison regiment.

"Now, think back to four years ago!" Pyxis continues. "Namely, the operation to retake wall Maria! I only bring it up to have your suspicions confirmed! Calling it a "recapture operation" was just sugarcoating it. It was merely a desperate attempt by the government to dispose of the unemployed refugee masses they couldn't feed! Everyone swallowed that for one sole reason! By sending those people outside of the wall, we managed to survive its narrow confines! That sin is borne by all mankind, including myself! Conflict didn't erupt then because the people of Wall Maria were a minority. But what about now? If Wall Rose falls, just throwing away a fifth of mankind wouldn't be enough! The area inside Wall Sina can only support half of mankind! If mankind itself falls, the onslaught of the titans will not be the cause! We will fall because of men killing one another! We cannot die inside yet another wall. Given the choice, die here!"

We were soon dismissed, and everyone starts to go to their positions. Before I could join them, someone calls my name. I turn around as Mikasa hurries towards me. "I was told to inform you that you're joining me in the elite team to protect Eren," she states. "Follow me."

I nod lightly, following her to the top of Wall Rose. Eren and three soldiers stand there, patiently waiting for us. "She's here," announces the leader, who was Ian Dietrich. He was a tall man with gold eyes, and straight dark blonde hair that was parted down the middle and tucked behind his ears. He has a notably slim face with defined cheekbones. He wears a tan shirt under his garrison uniform. "Let's go! Commence operation!" Ian declares. He quickly turns around and sprints towards the boulder with the rest of us following right behind him.

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