Chapter 22 -- Smoke Signals

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The next day, we start to fulfill our cleaning duties. Eren sweeps the floor while I gently wipe the window with a damp cloth. After a few seconds, the door of the cottage opens as Jean, Armin, and Sasha carry supplies into the room.

"Who? Me? I would never... probably."

Jean groans, placing two bags on a wooden side table. "Hey!" Eren states, intently staring at them and clenching his fists around his broom. "Did you guys wipe the mud off of your shoes when you came in!?"

"Huh? Are you kidding me?" Jean asks abruptly, shooting him a glare. "Do you not see all this stuff we're carrying?" I roll my eyes and cross my arms in annoyance, exchanging a knowing look with Eren.

"You idiot..." The brunette says nervously. "You really think an excuse like that is going to play with Captain Levi!? Bad enough that I had to make your bed for you this morning and then you pull this crap!?"

"Oh, shut it. Are you my mom now!?"

Before he could respond, Mikasa and Historia walk into the cottage holding some wood. "We're back," states Mikasa, who carries an axe in her other hand. Armin heads towards them with a worried look on his face, placing a hand on Eren's shoulder.

"Wait, you were chopping firewood?"

"Gotta stay in shape somehow."

"You got grabbed by a titan," shrieks Armin, who scrunches his brow and gazes at her intently. "You should be in bed recovering." I nod in agreement, wishing that Mikasa wouldn't exert herself so much. Even though she's extremely powerful, she's still human.

"I think you're wasting your breath," Eren points out. "I caught her doing sit-ups earlier too." Mikasa heaves a sigh, heading across the room with the axe and wood in both hands. Armin nervously follows after her. "So, you're a nag and a spy!" Jean roars.

"What!? How the hell is that spying!?"

Armin frowns. "Mikasa, you know you're only human, right!?"

"It's funny," states Sasha, who stands next to the table. "It almost feels like we're in the cadet corps, doesn't it?" A small smile curves around my lips as I finish cleaning the window and turn to stare at them. I place the damp cloth on the table before approaching her.

"Chaos," murmurs Armin, who sighs heavily. "It makes me wonder why they chose us for this new Levi squad. Protecting Eren and Historia is such an important mission." I furrow my eyebrows in concentration. In a way, I'm curious about that too. Many speculated that Levi chose them for Eren's sake. With them by his side, he would push himself to protect them.

"Because we're so talented," says Sasha, who shoves a piece of bread into her bag. I raise my eyebrows and chuckle to myself. Even in bad situations, Sasha somehow manages to cheer everyone up. "Sasha, what did you just shove into your bag?" Armin questions.

"It's something that's definitely not bread."

Jean eyes her carefully. "Really? What did I tell you?"

Connie approaches her. "Come on. Put it back."

"Can we focus here?" Eren states, clenching his fists around the broom. "We gotta finish cleaning before the Captain gets back." Jean, Armin, Connie, and Mikasa stand next to Sasha, trying to get her to put the bread back. As if on cue, the door opens as Levi walks into the room.

"What's all the commotion?"

Eren, who notices Levi, stares nervously at him as sweat pours down his forehead. The captain approaches the table and places his hand under it before turning to face us. I exchange a nervous look with Eren, feeling Levi's intense gaze.

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