Chapter 10 -- Joining the Levi Squad

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The trial ends shortly after that as the premier leaves the room. A slight murmur fills the crowd as the Military Police, wall cultists, and merchants scurry out of the room. "I'm gonna kill that midget," Mikasa murmurs, glaring at Levi.

I shift uncomfortably, exchanging a look with Armin. "Cadet Jeffries," a commanding voice comes from behind. I slowly turn around, being face to face with Erwin. I quickly salute, feeling his calm yet intense gaze.


"I need you to come with me."

"Yes, Commander Erwin."

"Abby, do you want us to wait for you?" Armin asks, tilting his head to the side. Mikasa nods in agreement, having a genuine look on her face. I furrow my eyebrows in concentration, glancing from them back to Erwin. "It's alright. I'll see you later," I assure.

Armin and Mikasa say their good byes and then leave the courtroom. The door closes behind them as I meet Erwin's gaze. "Let's go," he orders, walking away. I follow closely behind him as he stops at a room and opens the door.

I enter the room, realizing that Levi, Hange, Eren, and Mike were already in there. Hange tends to Eren's injuries, Mike stares out the window, and Levi leans against the wall with his arms crossed. "Well, that went better than I was expecting. Does it hurt?" Hange asks.


"Yeah? Describe it to me."


"Sorry for all that, but the theatrics did get you placed in our custody," Erwin states, approaching Eren. I smile nervously, staring at them in astonishment. This reminds me of when I saw this scene for the first time, I think to myself.

"N-No... I understand..."

"I can assure you that the pain was worth it. We played our trump card at the perfect time," he says, bending down and holding out his hand to Eren. "You have my utmost respect. Eren, I'm glad that you are on our team."

"M-Me too...!" Eren chokes out, shaking his hand as Levi walks towards the couch. "Glad to be here, sir!" Levi sits down next to Eren, placing his arm behind him and crossing his legs. Eren flinches, having a nervous expression on his face.

"So, Eren."


"You don't resent me now, do you?"

"N-No... I can see that what you did was necessary, Sir."

"Good. Then, you understand."

"Still, don't you think that you went too far? I mean, you knocked his tooth out," Hange states, taking out a cloth with a tooth in it. "Neat, huh?" I eye them carefully, watching their interactions in amazement.

"You picked it up? Disgusting."

"This is a precious sample I'll have you know."

"Hey, just be glad that people like that aren't dissecting you."

"Don't you dare compare me to them," she says sharply. "I would never even dream of killing him." I glance at them and sigh heavily, feeling strangely out of place. I purse my lips, knowing that me being here isn't part of the script.

"Commander Erwin, if you don't mind me asking, why am I here?" I ask sheepishly. Hange, Eren, Levi, and Erwin turn to stare at me. Hange raises her eyebrows in astonishment as Erwin gets to his feet and walks towards me. "Upon hearing about your actions in the struggle of Trost, Captain Levi wants you to join the special operations squad," he explains.

My eyes widen in surprise. Levi wants me to join his squad? Excitement forms in the pit of my stomach as I lock eyes with Levi for a split second before he looks away. "It's an honor," I say respectfully. "Thank you for this opportunity."

"Tsk. You two, go get your belongings and be at the stables in an hour."

I nod. "Yes, Sir!"

"O-Of course, Captain Levi..."

Eren and I leave the room, shutting the door behind us. If anything, I cannot believe that I'm actually apart of the Levi Squad now.

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