Chapter 5 -- The Battle of Trost

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An hour later, the other cadets and I are maintaining the cannons on Wall Rose. As I wipe down one of the cannons, worry forms in the pit of my stomach. The colossal titan is about to make his appearance and break the gate. Are we prepared for this?

"What!!?" Eren roars, staring at Connie in astonishment. "The hell you mean you're joining the scouts!? What happened to the MPs? That was your whole thing!" I arch a brow, watching Eren's and Connie's interaction.

"Don't worry about it," he responds, eyeing him carefully. "A guy's allowed to change his mind, okay?" Mina, a girl with black hair that's tied into two loose pigtails, chuckles to herself and walks towards the two males.

"I think your speech yesterday lit a fire under him."

"Ain't nobody talking to you!" Connie states as his cheeks flush in embarrassment. "His temper tantrum had nothing to do with it!" Thomas approaches them, having a genuine expression on his face.

"Take it easy. It's not like you're the only one."

"Are you serious?"

Sasha makes her way towards the group. "Can you guys keep a secret...?" She questions, revealing the loaf of meat she had hidden in her jacket. "Cuz I totally just helped myself to the officers' pantry." Eren, Connie, Mina, and the others gasp, staring at her in shock.

"Sasha, they could throw your butt in jail for that!"

"Seriously!? What's wrong with you!?"

Connie rolls his eyes. "What isn't wrong with her?"

Sasha chuckles softly as a small spittle of drool oozes from the corner of her lips. "I'm willing to share," she murmurs. "Ohh... Can you imagine the sandwiches?" A loud growl comes from my stomach as my cheeks flush in embarrassment.

"Put it back!"

"Yeah," Mina agrees. "Do you have any idea how rare meat's been since the titans took Wall Maria?" Uneasy looks appear on their faces as they stare at the meat in Sasha's hands. I heave a sigh, gazing at them in slight interest. Somehow, Sasha can steal food without getting caught. Even though I've seen the entire series, it's outstanding how she gets away with it.

"Don't worry about it!" Sasha assures, opening a wooden crate and placing the meat inside. "Once we retake the land, we can have livestock again!" A momentary silence falls over the group as they think over their situation.

"I would really like a slice please!"

"Hey, if he gets one, then so do I!"

"Me too! I'm in on it too!"

Eren purses his lips. "Uhh... But..."

"C'mon. Don't just stand there," another cadet says. "If they see us slacking off, then we're in for it." The cadets say their good byes before heading back to their stations. I finish cleaning my cannon as a serious expression appears on my face. Any minute now, I think to myself.

A second later, a flash of lightning comes from right outside of Wall Rose as an enormous titan that lacks skin appears before us. Everyone momentarily stares at it in shock, but before anyone could react, the titan breaks through the gate leading out to Wall Maria. The titan releases an intense heat from his body, throwing us off of the wall.

I quickly shoot out wires from my vertical maneuvering equipment, latching the hooks into the wall. I peer at the city, realizing that some of the citizens were caught up in the debris from the explosion. Before I can head up the wall to confront the titan, I notice a familiar, lifeless body on the ground. My mouth hangs open as tears form in my eyes. It was the woman that helped me three years ago! I think to myself.

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