Chapter 23 -- The Chase

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The next day, we walk down the cobblestone streets of Trost, where apparently a big fiesta was taking place. There were stalls set up at the sides, and colorful pennant flags hanging around. "Try not to walk closely together," reminds Levi, who walks in the front. "We'll stand out. Eren and Historia, just act normal."

Connie glances around. "Why is the royal flag up everywhere?"

"Today must be the anniversary of the king's coronation," Sasha notes. "Once a year, they hand out extra rations to celebrate." I furrow my eyebrows and cross my arms, knowing their actions are only a pretense to fool the population into believing that the government actually cares for them.

Just as she said that, a huge crowd gathers in front of the podium where two Military Police officers stand. "May I have your attention please?" One of them announces. "King Fritz has heard of the hardships in Trost. He is donating the royal family's reserves. Form a line. There's plenty to go around."

At that moment, we stop to listen to the announcement. A murmur of utter joy fills the crowd as I stare at the two officers in disgust. "All this food, and he's just giving it away?" Sasha says in astonishment.

"It's not as if he needs it all," Levi remarks. "It's easier to control people when they're not starving." I nod in agreement as he beckons for us to follow him. Without wasting time, we continue to make our way through Trost.

A few seconds later, the sound of horse hooves come from behind. Levi quickly turns around and looks alarmed. I glance in that direction, noticing a horse carriage coming towards us. "Behind you!" He warns. "Look out!" As soon as we step aside, two men abruptly grab Eren and Historia, who are Jean and Armin in disguise, as they keep moving.

"Armi..." Sasha starts, quickly pausing when she was about to say the wrong name and then correcting herself. "Uhhh, I mean Christa and Eren! Those bastards are running off with them!" I purse my lips as an uneasy feeling forms in the pit of my stomach.

Mikasa is the first one to go after the carriage. The rest of us soon follow until we arrive at an unguarded warehouse. After a few seconds of peering inside the warehouse, Mikasa maneuvers herself up to the roof where Levi and I are sitting. "How's everything going inside?" The captain asks.

"If we wait any longer, they'll see through Armin's disguise," she answers. "He's... getting pawed at." I shift uncomfortably, thinking about the scene from the anime. Levi glances at her over his shoulder, seeming to understand what she meant. "I see..." He murmurs.

"How's your leg? Any better?" I question abruptly, staring worriedly at the captain. His face softens as he turns to face me. Realization hits me as my mouth hangs open. Why did I ask him that? Is that too informal?

"I can move well enough," Levi reassures. "Now then, did you notice? These kidnappers are obviously rank amateurs. Why wouldn't they use professionals for a job like this?" He gets to his feet and says, "Mikasa, you handle the rest on your own. Abby and I are going to make our way to Eren. Come and meet up with me when you're done taking out the trash."

"Yes, sir."

"There's one more thing you should know just in case," he adds, stopping in his tracks. "Tell Armin and the others too." Levi turns back around to look at us in the eyes. "From now on, we'll be fighting humans, and not just titans."

Later that evening, I sit on a rooftop that has a good view of Keiji's journey through the city with Eren and Historia. Levi and Nifa sit on a taller building, and another member from Hange's squad hides behind another.

Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot comes from behind. I look up to see Nifa shot in the head and laying limp on the roof, with blood splattering behind. Another gunshot comes from the roof where the other squad member was hiding as he succumbs to his wound.

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