Cranefish Town pt. 1

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Katara:17  Sokka:18  Toph:15  Aang:15  Zuko:19

Aang felt the fresh morning breeze hit him on his place on Appas head when he heard his girlfriend slightly muttering something to herself as she was waking up.

Aang fastly made his way to the saddle, where all his friends were still sleeping.

"morning beautiful" he playfully said to her, his face upon hers, millimetres apart.

Kataras features softened at his sight
"hey...what time is it?" she yawned

"about 5 in the morning"
Kataras eyes widened "arent you tired? if you want I can steer Appa-"

but Aang shook his head
"il not tired at all, too excited to sleep, im up since 3am"
Katara sighed "too exited even to sleep with me?"
Aangs eyes sparkled...he made his way more into the saddle and hugged her girlfriend as Katara took benefit from his warmth.

"I got cold  tonight, I felt you were gone someway" she whispered, kissing his shoulder

A thrill passed through Aang at the sweet gesture
"sorry...I just didnt want to bother you being awake"
Katara yawned once again "thats okay..." she whispered, her eyes heavy

"want to rest a bit?" Aang whispered in her ear, placing a gentle kiss on her neck
Katara hummed something in pleasure
"yeah, im just gonna...close my eyes for a bit, its so early"
she then whispered to him

he slightly kissed her on the lips as she drifted
back to sleep, Aang smiled seeing her sleeping peacefully in his arms.

She unconsciously pulled him closer, as if to keep him to walk away, Aang smiled and hid his face in her hair as his arm began embracing her waist.

he suddenly felt someone groaning as the light hit his eyes, Sokka was awake

The non bender made his way near  his sister in the saddle, where he found Aang and Katara embracing eachother...he smiled seeing Katara comfortable.

"she got cold" Aang whispered, seeing that Sokka was staring at them.

"Katara loves sleeping hugging something, someone...point taken if that someones you" Sokka whispered in the frizzy air

Aang smiled and kissed his girlfriends head

"how far away are we from Cranefish Town?"

"about an hour and were there" Aang whispered

"want me to steer Appa for you?"

"uh? oh no I can-"

"dont move, you'll wake her up" Sokka warned

"right, forgot about that" Aang blushed, Katara continued soundly sleeping when she carefully pulled off some of Aangs robes from his chest, leaning more and more close

Aang looked at her slightly blushing

"if you..."  Aangs eyes widened
"what we were saying again?" he slightly gulped, feeling Katara being so affectionate in front of others made him a little imbarrased

Sokka sighed...trying to hold back a chuckle "want me to steer Appa?" he whispered one more time

"that would be great...if youre not tired of course"

"no problem bud" he casually made his way on the bisons head.

Toph suddenly yawned
"can you all stop talking?!" shw whispered-shouted


Toph sighed and covered her face with her hands

"what time is it?" she asked

"I dont really know...5 and half in the morning maybe?"

"so early? why are yall up?"

"too long to explain" Aang cut short

"I see the city! were almost there" Sokka announced, Zukos eyes began opening

"morning sifu hotman!" Aang said

Zukos eyes were still closed, he muttered: "dont call me that..."
he passed a hand through his hair "who braided my hair!?" he said feeling little braids on his head

Aang shrugged "eh I was bored"

Zuko sighed and began carefully untangling his hair

"were about to land" said Sokka, tightening his grip on the reins

Aang looked at his girlfriend and kissed her on the cheek, then whispered.

"Kat! were here!" a smile on his face

Katara just hid her face more in his neck

"already? its too early." she muttered, her eyes closed

Aang hold back a chuckle, with time he learned that Sokkas not the only one who likes to sleep

Aang kissed her and her eyes went wide as she kissed him back, melting in his touch...

right. they werent alone.

Zuko looked away, trying not to notice...Aang pulled away, feeling the awkwardness in the air

Katara cleaned her throat and slightly blushed
"im awake" she said, imbarrased, getting up,

"good" Sokka grinned "were here"

A/N: Im back with my long stories with multiple parts, not because someone asked for them but cause they remember me of when I started writing here...I have some pretty good ideas for this story so STAY TUNED and lmk what you think with a comment! or a vote! I would really appreciate that :))

have a good day!

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