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Katara watched as her son played sitting on the ground of her living room, looking at how he looked at the toys placed on the ground, carefully grabbing them and looking at them, she smiled at the view...Bumi may be the greatest thing that happened to her and she knew it, the 7 months old boy giggled and showed his mom the plush he just grabbed, shaking it excitedly.

Kataras smile widened "thats really pretty sweetie" said her taking the plush in her hands.
Bumi continued playing happily, they suddenly heard footsteps, she tilted up her head and saw Aang, with a grin on his face, watching his son from the doorway, he sheepishly made his way to him and sat in front of him, he picked him in his hands and made their noses touch eachother...making the baby giggle, now his smile was wider than ever, and Kataras as well...Aang was so natural with him, maybe she wasnt going to be as good as him in parenting...maybe- Aangs voice made her out of her thoughts.

"come on buddy" he placed his son on the ground once again "crawl" the boy managed to stand on his little legs and arms, but failed falling, landing on his tummy, he began to slightly cry.

"no no no" Aang lifted him up amd placed him once again in his arms, the boy sniffed and at the sight of his dads face smiled widely, Aang kissed his head and placed him on the ground in front of his toys so that he could start playing again, now he looked at Katara and sat near her on the couch.

"hey" said him looking dreamily at his son, "hey" she leaned on him and melted in his touch, "hes so big already" Katara sighed, "it seems yesterday that you told me the news"
"yeah..." he kissed her hair, katara spoke "do tou think Im- were doing a good job?"
Aang faced her "I- I think so...dont you think so?" "youre definitely doing a good job" "what do you mean?" "Aang youre perfect as always...look how you were with him later, youre great...really really great" she sighed when Bumi accidentally fell on his back while trying to pick up a toy, the kid began to cry.

Katara rushed to her son, forgetting the talk she was having with her husband, once she picked him in her arms the baby pressed his face in her chest and stopped crying, letting himself rest in her mothers arms, Katara started to rock him and hummed a little song in his ear, he fastly fell asleep...then she sat again near her husband, their son in her arms, peacefully sleeping.

"what Im tryto say is: your a natural with him and-"
"are you serious? didnt you see how he fell asleep in your arms? and how he stopped crying at your sight?"
"yeah but thats cause im his mom and-"
"thats right, youre his mom on he knows it and he loves you as much as he loves me"
"you are the natural Katara, you always know what to do and what to give him when hes sick...youre way better than I am"
"Aang...youre an amazing dad" her face softened
"And youre an amazing mother" he leaned in her touch, watching his son sleep"
"thats our first time, we just have to do what we think is right and see how it goes...right?"
"right" Aang sighed

A/N: Im sorry for not posting much lately, but Im trying to find some ideas to write something, this chapter isnt one of my favourites but I still found it cute.
If some youll comment youll give me some motivation (and I need some cuz lately Ive been struggling to publish anything), leave suggestions if u have some,hope u liked this!

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