Goofy teens

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età: Aang: 15 Katara: 17 

Aang and Katara were on Appa, heading to the Fire Nation, it was a nice sunny day.

Kataras pov

Im tired, theyre 12 hours were flying on Appa, its hot and im sick of this, so im laying on the saddle of this bison sweating while Aang is on the head steering...sweating as well, in all this mess,i fall asleep.

*children laughing*

"UGH KYAA STOP YOURE HURTING ME" said a boy with brown messy hair

Katara saw a woman getting up and waling towards him, "Kya stop pulling youre brothers hair, youre hurting him" 

the woman picked in her arms a little girl with a water tribe dress and kissed her cheek, "I love you mommy" said the girl, "me too sweetie" said the woman, the boy began jumping up and down "mom can you pick me too?" the woman sighed "sorry sweetie but I told you that I cant hold both of you now" the boy didnt cry but looked down, the woman noticed and looked at him, "what if I hold you later? After i gave your sister at dad?" the boy smiled, then a huge bison landed nearby and from it jumped down a bald man with an arrow on his head, the woman ran towards him and Katara noticed the slightest baby bump...she was pregnant and...and she was the spitting image of herself b-but older...that man could be-

all of this was interrupted, someone was waking her

i felt someone kissing my neck gently, and whispering in my ear "sweetie, were here" i suddenly opened my eyes and saw a smiling Aang near me. 

I got up, "how did you slept?" said him "uh...good" i kissed his cheek

we got off Appa and saw Zuko in front of us.


They were now in the meeting room, thought Katara wasnt paying much attention, she kept thinking of that dream...a voice made her out of her thoughts.

"Master Katara, what do you think?"

"I- um, sorry, what?"

"I guess a 17 year old is still a 17 year old even if shes attending an important meeting..." said the council woman with disgust. Katara looked at her in the eyes and looked down, she was one of the most powerful member of the Fire Nation...this didnt stop her, but she didnt want to fight...she stayed quiet, suddenly Aang rised form his chair and spoke "Sorry, we have 17 years old and we are one the most powerful and important people of the world, having this huge responsability we have -Master Katara can have a lot in her mind sometimes, can you repeat the question for her?"

the womans eyes went wide, the peaceful monk never spoke like this at meetings. "sure, um what do you think about the triad situation in the Earth Kingdom?" "we should act the soon as we can, put the Earth Kingdoms soldiers in the smallest villages...where they act more" answered Katara simply, "thats...actually a good plan, thank you". Soon the meeting was over, and Aang and Katara were waling out of the room, she suddenly tooke his face in her hands and kissed him, Aang was noe a messy blush "what was that for?" "my thanks for earlier, thank you sweetie" he was going to kiss her cheek when a member of the council interrupted that sweet moment "may I say young Avatar, you should worry less about your teen romance and worry more about the worlds-" Katara interrupted him "Youre seriously talking like this to him just cause he kissed his girlfriend? Like you said hes a teen, let him be, he already saved your world and looking forward to keep it safe" the man looked at Katara in the eyes and decided to walk away, with his head up, they walked away hand in hand...that walk became running trought the corridors of the Fire Nations  Royal Palace "i missed this" said Katara laughing "what?" "us acting like goofy kids" Aang stopped "we dont have to stop" he said smiling, Katara frowned "even when were adults?" "why not?" "b-but what if theyre gonna be more goofy kids around us?" "uh? What sre you- are you pregnant?" "AANG NO IM 17...I had a dream" "what kind of dream?" "I saw the future, and...and we had three kids" Aang smiled at the thought "dreams are often the realization of what we want" "that would be awesome...but with kids ill become more motherly than I already am" "Katara, we can choose what our destiny will be, just follow your heart, i trust it..." he took her hand "...we can act like goofy kids for the rest of our lives if you want" she smiled "yeah, Id like that" and with this, she took his hand and began running.

A/N: I FINALLY FINISHED THIS...and im kind of proud of how it turned out, let me know what u think and if I couldve done better!

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