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Bumi sat under the peach tree, looking at the ants who ran on the grass, he suddenly felt footsteps approacing, a 18 year old Izumi made her way to that tree and sat near it, looking at the sky, "hi" said Bumi "hi" said Izumi; "why here said Izumi not looking at him "Mom and Kya are training, dadand Tenzin on a trip and-"

"and my fathers at the council"

"yeah, so im here, thinking about how disappointing I am" said he

"the Fire Nation is so excited about the *Fire Lord without fire", my ancestors were all firebenders, all of them, if they had a nonbender son they would just make another to have a firebender..my father says it doesnt matter and that he doesnt care, but the Fire Nations citizens dont think that way"

"when my mom was pregnant with me she thought I was an airbender, for the energy of the kicks that I gave in my mothers womb...then it came out the *Avatars nonbender son*" he chuckled

"youre not disappointing"


"you have...a good personality?"

"oh thank you!" he said sarcastically

"its true! youre...determinated and brave, and youre funny, you have a good personality"

"youre gonna be a great FireLord"

"what?" she faced him

"you have a great sense of authority, you have a good personality and all"

"well, thanks...you know what? we should train too" she said getting up

"how funny, with what?"

"ever heard about daggers?" she said getting up and throwing one just above his head


"you just have to learn how to fight, get up"

She picked up a dagger and looked at its pointy side

"a dagger is precise and deadly like...like lightning" she said, a little grin appearing on her face.

Bumis eyes went wide

"you HAVE to teach me how to use these"

"fine...you teach me how to use that"

"my sword? Deal."

Izumi stood beside him, in front of the tree

"here you go, hold it like a card"

"now, throw it!"

Bumi throwed the dagger on the tree but failed when it fell on the ground.

"Sorry, I forgot you were as strong as a turtleduck" she said

"UGH let me try again" he failed again

"let me see your stance"  she placed her hands on his arms and moved them down, he blushed 

"now it should work"

his dagger fell on the grass again 

"you have to be more decisive" she throwed a dagger right in the tree


"my mum trained me with these since I was old enough" she said slightly smiling at the thought of her mother

"my uncle doesnt visit enough to teach me how to use the boomerang" Bumis face became a little sad

"daggers are more effective than a boomerang"

"HEY!" screamed Bumi

"lets see...me and my daggers vs you and sword"

"lets play"

they were in their fighting stances, Bumi tried to attack her but slipped on the mud

Izumi laughed "you should see your face-" Bumi suddely fell on top of her "BUMI, GET OFF MFPH" Bumi kissed her, out of nowhere, she pushed him away with her eyes wide staring at her Bumi breathed "you should see your face" "ugh" she could only say "what are you "ughing" at?"  "I liked that but UGH I dont want to fell in love with you" "I have a good personality" said he grinning "...right" she said before pulling him in another kiss.

A/N: and thats the end...but it doesnt feel right does it? its not a good chapter if someone doesnt...

"Bumi do you know where Izum-" Katara froze at what she was seeing, Aang followed, then Tenzin with Kya and finally Zuko was there, the nonbenders eyes went wide, they suddenly pulled apart, Kya began teasing him "Bumi and Izumi under a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G"  Bumi stood up and spoke "we were training" "I see training for-" Katara stopped her daughter "Kya, Tenzins still a boy" Tenzins bald head turned red "Im not!" "can we just pretend we didnt saw anything?" said Aang 

"um...dad?" Zuko was still speechless from what he just saw "you okay" asked the princess smiling "Im fine, Im really fine" he said walking away "my little turtleduck kissed someone" whispered Zuko to Aang "lets remember that someone is the Avatars son" said Aang smiling and putting a hand on Zukos shoulder.

A/N: this is the real end! Hope u liked this one, Ive been working on this for a while...I feel like Izumi would be really similar to Azula but not in a bad way, I just love to believe that a piece of her aunt lives in her.

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