mom, pt. 4

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later Kya with her "friends"

Kya walked towards the group of girls in the Republic City's square

"Hi, whats up?" she asked shily

"oh Kya...hi" they all fake smiled

Kya tried to didnt mind...

they restarted to talk

the girls whispers

"shes the avatars daughter..."
"hes popular"
"mh i dont like him"
"the other day i saw her kissing a girl..."
"ew gross"
"what if she has a crush on me?"
"oh no i hope for you she doesnt"

Kyas smile dropped...she wasnt deaf

"so...girls?" she tried to took their attention

"oh uh..."
there was an awkward silence
they all suddenly turned around
"god i love him"
"im gonna ask him out"
"Kya? what do you think?"
"oh with someone already"
"REALLY? you have a boyfriend before me!"
"how is he?"
"is he beautiful?"
"did you two did it yet??"
"uh...I, I have to go home, BYE"
she run away...she run towards Lins house.

Toph's apartment

she heard moans
knock knock
Toph appeared at the door
"oh hi Kya"
"hi aunt Lin at home?"
"uh sure-"
she entered immediately
there was Sokka with messy hair in the kitchen
"uh...hi uncle...?"
"um...hi" he smiled awkwardly
oh my gosh...- she thought
she walked in Lins room
"oh hi Kya-"
Kya crushed her lips on hers
Lin kissed back, and put her hands on her hips
Kya kissed her from her jaw to her neck makong her moan, Lin moved her hands in Kyas dress...she needed it.
Toph walcked in
"girls do you want-"
their eyes widened
Toph smircked
"Sokka come here" she yelled
"-HOW IT LOOKS" Kya finished
"ooh i think its exactly how it looks" Toph said
Sokka didnt arrived fortunately
"Aunt...dont tell mom, please"
"dont worry, but its not a good idea to do the dirt in my house while me and Sokka are inside"
"...right" Lin scoffed
"Im...Im gonna...go" Kya putted her dress in place and walked away awkwardly.
"bye!" Sokka said watching his niece walking away, Kya didnt respond.
Toph walked in the kitchen
"whats up with Kya?" said Sokka
"oh i think she was a little embarrassed" Toph chuckled
"youre too innocent, Sokka"
Sokka grinned and kissed her neck, making his way to her ear " I?" she moaned softly.
A/N: im a tokka shipper lmao

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