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"Gran Gran!" shouted Rohan while running to his grandmother.
Katara smiled and ruffled his hair
"youve grown so much, you dont visit enough"
the little kid hugged her, he loved visiting the south pole.
After him, the whole family slowly made its way down the bison, Jinora was the first: she had a frown on her face and her eyes were looking down to her feet, she walked near her grandmother and muttered
"hi gran" with that she walked away, her arms crossed.
Tenzins head became red "JINORA"
the 16 year old continued walking, pretending she didnt hear her fathers scream.
she kept walking to Kataras hut
Jinora harshly turned to her family and shouted "OR WHAT? IM ALREADY GROUNDED!" that said, she ran away in her grandmas healing hut.
Tenzin looked down and released a disgruntled sigh...then looked at his mom
"Hi mother, good to see you" he leaned to give Katara a hug, which she gladly accepted.
Then her other nephews showed up
"Hi gran gran" Ikki smiled at Katara and hugged her tightly
then meelo jumped down Oogie
Katara smiled "hi sweetie-"
"grandma! dont call me sweetie its not manly!"  whined the boy, Katara sighed
"Meelo, dont talk to your grandmother like that"
"Tenzin" the old woman asked
"yes, mother?"
"may I ask what happened to-"
"Jinora is going through a phase of-"
"oh please" interrupted Pema
"is that how youre calling love? a phase?" she tried not to laugh at her husbands jealousy
"hes just mad cause Jinora...I think its better if she tells you in person" the woman smiled
Kya carefully came down of the bison and looked at her brother
"shes 16 for ravaas sake, let her be, at her age I-"
"you literally left home, we get it Ky, you were a rebellious teen" said Bumi that was now near his sister.
Katara chuckled at their behaviour, they didnt change one bit.
"shes still a child...and stop being a bad influence to her" said Tenzin, slightly annoyed.
Kya didnt answer, just a bit offended by her brothers retort.
Ikki had a worried frown on her features
"I- Im going to see if Jinoras okay"
after speaking she ran away in her sister direction...All the adults were dumbfounded
"shes worried for Jinora?" said Kya trying to realize what her niece just said
"I...I guess so" said Pema
"I mean they're maturing..." said Tenzin as surprised as them
Katara sighed and looked where her nieces just ran away "well, its better if we go inside, its almost lunchtime"

The lunch wasnt one of the happiest ones...but with all that kids it couldnt be awkward: Rohan continued asking questions about the tribe, Meelo made up stories where he saved everyone with his bravery and Ikki just kind of listened laughing from time to time.
The only one that was left was Jinora...she kept looking at her plate not eating much, she looked like she was about to cry...her look was furial and her eyes were a little red.
After lunch her siblings went outside to "snowbend" and the adults began blatering about boring matters at the table.
At some point she suddenly got up and headed to the kitchen.
"hi grandma..." said her sheepishly
Katara sweetly smiled at her
"hi sweetie-"
"-Im sorry for how I acted today...it wasnt for you"
Katara gave a knowing glance to her granddaughter and placed a hand on her shoulder...at that age Katara could speak just with her gestures.
"can I help you?" said Jinora gesturing to the plates she was washing.
"sure thing" she simply said
with that she began washing the dishes...then there was silence, a silence that Katara broke
"wanna tell me what happened?"
Jinora looked down
"its a long story..."
"we have all the time in the world" smiled her
Jinora sighed...looking down "alright"
"it was 2 days ago...okay so, years ago I met this...guy and...hes an airbender like me!
and his eyes...gran, his eyes are-" she realized she was going out of topic and stopped.
Katara chuckled
"I mean...a year ago we kind of...got together and we didn't told dad...or mom or anybody"
her tone lowered as she spoke.
"b-but we were planning to! thats- thats something right?" Jinora sighed
"the fact is: dad didnt discovered it how I wanted him to find out..."

Air Temple Island, 2 days before

"cant believe that the only time we get a task together is when we have to feed the bisons"

Kai laughed at his girlfriends grumpy attitude
"at least its something, right?" he intertwined his fingers with hers.

her eyes widened "not here, somebody could see us" she pulled away
he sighed "when we get to act like an actual couple? Its always not here or not there...when were gonna tell youre family?"
she looked down and began fidgeting with her fingers "im planning on doing that...its too early"

he began taking the hay for Pepper
"whatever you say..." he sighed
"I just want you to be happy Jin...youre always so worried"  he came closer to her...she could feel his breath hitting her face.

"I- uh...I just know that if I tell my dad hell send you to the southern air temple and lock me here forever"
Kai heartly chuckled...she felt his attitude affect her and she slightly smiled ad him.
"youre beautiful when you smile"
she picked his hand...his eyes widened, their faces millimetres apart.
"Jin?" he whispered to her
"yeah?" she dreamily asked, looking at his amber green eyes...
"can we-" before he could finish the sentence she kissed him...a sweet kiss that they were waiting for too long, she tightened her grip on his hand when...
"Jinora did you-" Tenzin stayed with his mouth shut, looking at the couple with wide eyes.
They instantly pulled apart and Kai almost fell on the ground.
"DAD! We were...we were, what were we doing?"
"nothing" muttered him
"dad...its not how it looks...well it is but dont be-"
"Master Tenzin I assure you were not doing anything-"
"Jinora" he repeated trying to sound calm
"first off, im very disappointed, by a bending master I expect...

Southern Water Tribe, present

"and he began telling me how he didnt expect me to lie to him and that an airbending master should be totally trustworthy, I didnt get to seem him since then" said she

Katara slightly sighed
"I think...I think that youre fathers a little strict on these things sweetie but it does it only cause he loves you"

Jinora looked down, at her hands
"did it ever happened to you and grandpa Aang?"
Kataras eyes widened and for a moment she stopped doing anything
"I...oh well...it happened once" she showed a nostalgic smile
"with...your uncle Sokka, you didnt get to know him either"
Jinora sighed "and how did you handled it?"
"he eventually got used to it...seeing that we were happy and loved"
"do you think dad will ever get used to it, gran?"
Katara smiled "theres no doubt about that sweetie, it just takes time"
they wiped their hands and Katara took her nieces in hers
"are you really happy with this guy?"
"of course!"
"then everything will be alright" she smiled at her and excited the kitchen, leaving Jinora with her eyes wide.

Something about her grandmas face was different...her features showed nostalgia, she imagined what she was thinking...

Southern Water Tribe, many years before

15 year old Katara stood in front of Kanna holding tightly her hands
"honey are you really happy with this guy?"
"of- of course I am"
"then thats alright for me"

A/N: and thats todays chapter, Im not really proud of this one but I think its pretty cute...I wanted to show that Ikki matured a bit with her age so yeah, I tried...also I absolutely love Kainora so I had to write smt abt them, leave a vote, or a comment and lmk what you think!

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