a Tokka story pt.3

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Tophs pov

I was in a bar drinking, yes. drinking, cause it was the only thing I could possibly think of, people would say "well but what about your 5 moths older daughter?", shes at home, alone, probably crying in the dark right now but you know what? i dont care because I NEVER WANTED THAT FUCKING BABY, i keep repeating me that in the hope she somehow vanishes, but it doesnt work, after all this is not a Disney movie...i was ordering another shot when I felt a familiar hearthbeat, the same fucking hearthbeat.

"Snoozles, what the fuck are you doing here"

"Looking out for you, you werent at home and i searched all over the city"

"good, you found me"

"stop, youre hurting yourself"

"Oh no! What are you gonna do? Tell my parents? Oh right! THEY ABANDONED ME AT 12" "You know what? I was thinking that maybe im a worse mother than my own, must run in the family uh? Another fun fact is that this is why i never wanted kids but HEY! One night i was walking around and WHOOSH i fell in love with this piece of shit, he makes me believe in love again since the man i love is happy with someone else, we believe so much in love that one night we make a lot and guess what? i get pregnant, almost die giving birth and have this kid who cries even thought she doesnt have problems, IM THE ONE WHO SHOULD CRY! The real funny thing is that in this whole fiasco theres this guy, he was always by my side but HE HAS TO RUIN EVERYTHING KISSING ME" 

Sokka stayed quiet, "b-but, I love you for real" he put his hand on top of hers, she pulled away.

"STOP IT, even he said that he loved me, but guess what? He left me, WHAT? Now that Sukis gone you need someone to play with? Im the second choice of course but how can i blame you! Im short, blind, and im gross, but im like this and i was surprised when shit-man said "youre beautiful" or "i love you" IM FURIOUS BECAUSE HE PLAYED WITH ME AND THE WORSE PART IS THAT I LET HIM, I PRETEND IM OVER HIM BUT IM NOT, WE WERE TOGETHER FOR 2 YEARS MY LONGEST RELATIONSHIP EVER-"

"you had many relationship?"

"what do you care"

"I- I dont know"

"remember that guy...Satoru? He lost it for me...he really liked me"


"my attitude...he later fell in love with another girl, I felt her hearthbeat...so fast and ugh, i dont know...happy? She was tall and skinny...so beautiful and she was...she was perfect, I wasnt, he prefered a kiss on the cheek than a punch on the shoulder...till then i didnt care how I looked like...but that hit me, i was 16 back then and couldnt understand why i was so sad that we broke up...i needed a guy to tell me that i was beautiful...that i was loved and is still like this"


"now, if you can just let me kill myself-"

Sokka suddenly hugged her

"I understand that now you need a friend and not a lover...sorry i was being selfish"

she sighed and weakly smiled in his chest

"i love you so much and i dont want to lose you got it? Do it for me, for youre best friend"

Toph tightened her grip around him

"wheres Lin?"

"at home"

"lets go, come on"

Toph didnt respond, she fell asleep, he took her bride style and carried her home, after placing her on the bed he noticed how armless and pure she looked...so perfect and beautiful.

A/N: im still not rlly proud of this but since   said that i should keep writing, here u go! Hope u liked the chapter^^

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