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Sokka was travelling to the Fire Nation for a meeting were he was going to meet Aang and Katara, they were going to discuss when Izumis coronation was going to happen, the trip was long so he had to get off the ship so he could land somewhere to rest a bit, that somewhere happened to be Kyoshi Island, he was nervous...nervous that he could met Suki, the last time they talked was a while ago and it didn't go well.

10 years ago, Republic City

Suki was near the ferry, waiting for it to start, in front of her a moching Sokka "how long youre going to stay there?" "we are needed at the Fire Nation right now, I dont how much time itll take" he sighed "you never know" he muttered under his breath, she became irritated "what?" "you never know how time itll take, and then it takes weeks!" he slightly raised his voice, she grew more angry "SOKKA I HAVE-" "A DUTY, I GET IT, YOU HAVE A DUTY AS LEADER" he finished her sentence "...but you also have a duty to me, your boyfriend" said he "your being selfish! we knew this was going to be a long distance relationship!"  "WELL ITS HARDER THAN I THOUGHT" snapped he, she closed her eyes trying to stay calm "Sokka," he was afraid of the words that were going to exit her mouth, but deep he knew..."I think we both know that were not going anywhere like this-"  "dont say it-" he muttered "I think that we should end things here" said she with her head facing the ground, looking at her hands, she gave him a tender kiss on the cheek and got on the ferry "bye Sokka" "love you..." answered he in a whisper, a tear escaping his eye, and the ferry starting.

present day, Kyoshi Island

Sokka got off the boat, searching for somewhere to stay for the night, but before that, he had to head to the market to find something to eat, then, his fear came a sun...there was Suki, out of her Kyoshi Warrior getup she was chatting with some merchants, a smile across her face.

Her features were a little bit older but her beauty was still there, shining as ever she slightly turned her head, noticing him looking at her with wide eyes, her smile became more wide than it was and she began walking towards him, he was still frozen.

"Sokka!" she said cheerfully, then she pulled him in a tight hug "its good to see you again, why here?" he smiled slightly seeing her this happy and radiant "im gonna be here not for long, Im headed to the Fire Nation" "Oh um, Im going there too, Zuko needs protection for the new Fire Lord, Izumi, right? Never met her, what is she like?" "um, lets just say a mentally stable Azula" "Is it supposed to be a good thing or a bad thing?" they chuckled "I honestly dont know"

they began chatting like the old times, he was relieved that it wasnt awkward between them, it was like they spoke yesterday...suddenly a medium tall girl, with long chocolate hair and cinnamon freckles walked near Suki, intertwining her fingers in hers "hi babe...whos this?" asked her smiling "um, this is Sokka a friend of mine, Sokka this is Yuki, my girlfriend" said her "its a pleasure" said the girl bowing a little, Sokka bowed as well and smiled "likewhise"

there was an awkward silence following, Suki cleaned her throat "so um, we...we should go" Yuki waved at him one more time and they began walking away.

for what seemed a few minutes he stood there, not moving at all, she had a new partner...and she was a girl, and she seemed so nice, Sokka wasnt all that shocked, he was a bisexual himself he was just a little surprised that Suki was...into girls too, he didnt want to think about it that much, he just wanted to found a place to sleep and try to rest a bit...and so he did, the next day was going to be intense.

Suki woke up with the sound the elephant kois swimming, she turned to see her girlfriend sleeping peacefully near her, sye tried to get up wothout waking her up, it didnt work though, Yuki woke up slightly snuggling in her pillow "mh what?" she muttered slightly opening her eyes "mornin', I have to go, the ship is starting an hour from now" said Suki massaging her shoulder.

Yukis eyes went wide, she picked her Sukis wrist "no please dont go now" she pulled away "I have to go" Yuki finally pulled her in the bed again and hugged her tightly, Suki sighed as she snuggled in the crook of Yukis neck, smelling her scent, she slowly made her way on her face and kissed her passionately, they smiled watching eachother in owe.

Suki suddenly frowned, Yuki talked "whats wrong" she placed some of her hair under her ear "I..."
"youre weird since the meeting of your friend, is he a bad person-" "no no" Suki stopped her "...he didnt know about this" "what?" "us, us being girls" said her sighing "oh" was all she could say "dont get me wrong Im not ashamed at all" said Suki placing an hand on her shoulder "yeah, me neither" said she "...what if is not accepting?" "you just have to talk him about it, if he doesnt get it, then thats his problem" "right" said Suki more confident "I have to go" "one last kiss, please" she gave her best puppy eyes, Suki leaned to give her a peck on the lips and once she was all dressed as a Kyoshi Warrior she got out.

Sokka was in the ship, thinking...suddenly someone sat near him, it was a woman with tge Kyoshi Warrior get up, she was Suki.
"Hi" said her sheepishly
"Morning" said him
he began fidgeting with his fingers, when in the middle of the trip, he got up and walked out of the wagon, Suki turned her head at him confused as he walked away.

She followed him out of the wagon and stood near him, looking down.

"Im just filling my lungs with some air" said simply

She placed an hand on his, still not looking in his eyes "im sorry" a tear escaping her eye.

"what? why?" his eyes full of concern "I...Im sorry I didnt tell you sooner or that I never talked to you till these days since we broke up but I was so messed up then and- and confused then I found that I was bi and I was so scared about how you were gonna react to my coming out and-"

"Im bisexual too" said he looking down, then he hugged tightly as she slightly cried in his shoulder "im so sorry"

"dont be, dont worry...I was scared too when I came out to Katara and thats ok to be scared but Ill never judge you for anything, you know that?"
she nodded, "and Aang, Katara, Toph and Zuko will be supportive as ever if you want to tell them" said him lovingly as he slowly released the hug, "Ill think about that"

He wiped away sone of her tears and spoke "ao tell me about Yuki, how is her?" said he in the most normal way in the world.

"Oh...shes really great and kind, she smells like flowers and- and shes really brave-"
"woah I get it your in love" he chuckled
she placed an arm around his waist

"I missed you Sokka"
"I missed you too" said him

A/N: sorry for the long wait but I didnt have motivation to write, anyways I think that Sokka and Suki are bi (I dont think, I know so lmao) and the thought of Suki with a girlfriend lives rent free in my mind, I love the idea of platonic Sukka they would be good friends...Yuki means courage in japanese btw:)

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