Scars and Open Wounds pt2

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Izumi was busy. 

Saying she was busy wasnt enough, she was covered in work, and the thing was: it was all useless, they were letters of congratulations for the new Fire Lord, meeting to decide the construction of new buildings, it was really useless and boring stuff, she spent days wasting her time...but she was the Fire Lord and she was supposed to do this useless and boring stuff...and so she did it, for two months already, she wasnt scared like she was two months ago but from time to time she needed advice, and when she didnt feel to ask her father...she just asked her aunt...with her all made sense, and worries melt was like she found a lost piece of her, of her identity.

"and then what?" Izumi smiled at Azula, her legs crossed on the bed where they were sitting

"well, your mother had nightmares about the kemurikages all night, hope she didnt tell you that story as a kid" the woman chuckled

"well I had nightmares about them too as a kid, oh god" said Izumi slightly laughing

Azula was getting better averyday thanks to Izumi, her mental health had never been this good, talking to Izumi made her feel herself.

"so tell me hows going with the Fire Lord thing?"

"mh thats...challenging, but thats okay "Ill get used to it, I know it"

Izumi stayed quiet for a bit, then asked "well, how are you?" asked simply the teen, Azula blinked her eyes "I- know I think nobody ever asked me that" she heartly chuckled "Im good by the way, more good every minute we talk" she smiled, pulling some of Izumis hair under her ear.

Izumi melted in her touch when Azula sighed and looked away "I...I dont deserve this" "what? why?" " dont understand I did  things that cant be forgiven...that I cant even forgive myself" said she drily, Izumi took her hands in hers, Azula turned her head "everybody deserves another chance, everybody deserves to be happy and loved, even you, aunt" Azula hugged her "youre too kind kid" "I mean what I say" breathed her hiding her face in her aunts soft hair.

A/N:umm this is really short but Im working on this story cause I really like it...this is just a sweet moment between Azula and Izumi...I find it so heart warming, lmk what you think!

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