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Lin tried to soffocate her sobs as she entered in her moms apartment..she locked the door and fell on the ground, where she tried to hold back the tears.
What she just did was so childish...stupid, she didn't even know where all that anger came from...she kept sobbing.
For spirits sake Lin...pull yourself together-
she thought...but she couldnt help it, she just saw her boyfriend kissing another girl and she was angry...angry because he played with her all along, for 3 long years.
She was angry because her mother wss right all along...
"men arent worth your time Lin, learn to be alone and youll save yourself a lot of pain"
said Toph to her when she was only 8 years old...she didnt understand back then but now that her mothers prediction came true she just wanted to punch Tenzin in the face to break his nose, again...she wanted to stay alone, to scream as loud as she could...she wanted a mom that came home to her just to hype her up...a sister that gave her a hug to make her feel better...ugh what she was thinking, she was more strong than that...
She suddenly saw her sister walking in the kitchen...she instantly got up trying to act normal.
"Lin, I have a friend here, shut up...youre making for us hard to even talk" she said non chalantly
Lins eyes widened "a friend? what friend?"
"a friend...that friend, come on you know him"
Lin sighed "does mom know about this?"
"what do you think?...ouch were you crying?"
said Suyin noticing her sisters puffy, red eyes.
"its not your business"
"yeah whatever, just stop cause I have a guest here"
"Su, we didnt talk at all if this-" before Lim could finish she was already gone and she was all alone again...she gave a shaky sigh and when she was opening the door to go outside she found her mother at the door.
"MOM! uh...mom, what are you doing here?"
"I forgot some reports here...why are you here? werent you supposed to hang out with Twinkle Toes Junior?" said Toph entering the apartment
"Uh no...we- we..."
"spirits calm down, your heart is going way too fast" she kept touching the desk trying to find the papers
"he cheated on me" she choked out
"you were..." Lin began talking
"...right, im always right Lin remember that" finished Toph
once she found the paperwork she headed to the door
"yeah? be quick I have to go"
"Su brought home a guy we dont know noth-"
"are they doing drugs?"
"I- uh I dont think so?"
"thats alright for me...oh! another thing: Ill not be able to come home tonight can you-"
"Ill make dinner for Su as asual..."
"good, thanks...bye" Toph slammed the door closed
Lin didnt move at all for a bit...she looked at the door trying to figure out what to do...nobody wanted her around, she would usually go to visit Katara or...or go on a walk with Kya, talk to Aang for a bit...but now she wasnt needed anymore...she punched their son in the face how could they want to talk to her ever again...she could at least help them clean the mess she caused at the island...at least.
She wasnt a coward...so she decided to go back and ask sorry to the family.


"Lin, sweetie...are you okay?" Katara opened the door to the earthbender
Lins eyes widened "I- I figured youd like some help to clean up and-"
"come inside" she smiled at her
Lin sheepishly made her way in and saw Kya sitting on the couch...the waterbender quickly made her way to her and hugged her tightly
"Lin! Im so sorry, I told you Tenzin didnt deserve you...youll find someone way better and-"
"Kya, give her some space" said Aang
Lin smiled at his sight "Uncle Aang! I- Im so sorry for the damage and Ill-"
"Lin calm down, its okay...Im sorry for what happened today with Tenzin, are you okay?" said him
Katara suddenly hugged her
"were here if you need us, theres always gonna be a spot on the couch or a seat at the table for you here"
Lin found herself crying again...in her aunt shoulder...she tightened her grip on Katara.
"t-thank you" she muttered
"dont mention it honey"
then Bumi showed up
"you did what was right Linny"
"agreed" said Kya
Lin slightly chuckled...was this a joke? a dream? where they really sorry because their son cheated on her?
Aang hugged her "youll find someone wholl love you no matter what, I know it" whispered him...she felt at home.


Lin was all alone again, with only her sister at home...the house was quieter than usual and it was saying something.
Su quickly made her way in the little kitchen
"noodles? again?"
"do I look like a chef to you? its not like someone taught me how to cook something different than instant noodles"
"ugh nevermind" her little sister sat down.
Lin looked down at her plate...then decided to take matters in her own hands.
"get up"
"get up, were going out"
"just get up, Su"


Lin lightly knocked on the door of the Air Temple, Aang opened
"Lin, Su...what happened?"
"we...we wanted to ask you if theres space for us at the table" she said sheepishly
a smile revelead on Aangs features
"sure, come in"
they slowly made their way in...the first Lin noticed was Tenzin...his nose bridge was purple and his head was down.
Kataras face lightned "want to join us?"
Kya called out her brother "Bumi! make some space for them!"
soon enough they had two seats and a plate full of amazing smelling food in front of them.
Su began eating, her eyes widened "spirits this is so good! who cooked this?"
Aang smiled "do you like it? today was my turn to make dinner, its all vegetarian"
Su smiled, her mouth full...she didnt eat actually something different from cold noodles for way too long.
"Uncle?" asked Lin
"can you...maybe teach me how to cook this?"
Aangs face lightned, hearing that someone liked the Air Benders food
"thanks" she gratefully smiled
they ate dinner talking, laughing and telling eachother whatever was in their mind.

Maybe for the first time in their lives, the two sisters finally felt at home.

shes literally one of my highest kins after Katara and- her characters amazing.
I think we all know the girl Tenzin was kissing was an air acolyte named Pema, I dont really ship Linzin, but I think the two characters were highly compatible and as teens they wouldve actually looked pretty cute...I also think that Aangs and Kataras house was always open...to anyone. Idk if that makes sense but theyre just  so welcoming.

vote, comment and lmk if u liked this chapter!

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