mom, pt.2

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the dinner was silent...nobody talked, they all went to their rooms, except Aang and Katara.
"whats up with Kya? shes acting weird" said Aang
"im not sure, i dont know, but theres something you should know sweetie"
"promise you wont get mad at her"
"whatever it is, im not going to do anything"
"today she came home with an hickey on the neck"
"she WHAT!?" his bald head turned scarlet red
"sweetie you promised"
"um...yeah but this is...too much shes only 16"
"shes growing up...shes not your little princess anymore"
"I guess youre right" he sighed
"I...I think we need to talk to her about that stuff"
"THAT...stuff?, you mean The Talk?"
"yeah sweetie...shes ready"
"oh my...can we talk to her tomorrow when her brothers are not around?"
"sure, but please dont avoid this, shes an adult now and we have to accept it"

A/N srry for the short chapter

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