Hosea - A Story of Love (Based in the Bible)

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There was a man named Hosea – a just man who may neither be the richest of the rich nor the poorest of the poor, neither the most good-looking there in nor the most unsightly. This man has a good relationship with God. He loves God! However, there was this woman whom he dearly adore. Her name was Gomer.

Gomer was very attractive, anyone could easily fall victim. With just a simple beam of her smile, his heart would melt away. She danced gracefully, anyone could easily be swayed with her hips moving. She was attractive. She was graceful. She was a prostitute.

But nonetheless, Hosea loves her. He loved her so much he would pursue her in spite of that. He loved her so much even though it would mean waiting for her till midnight only to find out she’s with another man. Many other men.

He did not say anything bad against her. He did not call her ‘prostitute’ on her face. He saw her as she was – her beloved.

Until that lucky day finally came when all his efforts paid. Gomer finally said ‘yes’ to Hosea. And Hosea could not be anymore than happy. He promised him he would do the best he could to be forever faithful to her, change her for the good so as she would not return to her previous lifestyle. And through the grace of God, he did.

Gomer should have been happy to have Hosea but after some years of living together, she left Hosea with a note bidding goodbye. And when the time he read the letter, she was already gone to another town.

Hosea felt brokenhearted.

When Gomer went to that town, she returned to her life as a prostitute. She went with different men almost every night until her luck brought her to the richest man on that town. In the beginning it was all good but after getting/ satisfying himself, who would have thought she would be reduced to being a slave?

As a slave, she would barely be given any decent food and clothing. She would hear herself crying, regretting why did she ever let a good man like Hosea slipped away. But eventually she would stop crying whenever she would hear a knock from her windowsill only when she opens it, the man is gone, leaving her a basket of food and folded dresses. She just hoped that one night she would caught him so she could thank him for his kindness.

But it might be too late to know that Hosea was the one sneaking those foods since the man she was with would be selling her the next morning. Slaves were usually being sold at an auction in a public place. And what could be the perfect place than the plaza. So, together with the other slaves, they were put to the center naked and humiliated. All they could do was to hide their faces with their hair.

One by one the slaves were being sold until Gomer was the only one left alone. Among them, Gomer had the  most bidders. The first one bid for 5.000. During that time, 5,000 was more than enough to buy a land. One man bid for 5,500, then increase to 6,000. It was not until somebody shouted ’15,000!’ did the auction get over. Not only do the crowd turned to see the man but also Gomer who was laughing at the thought that only a fool could want her triple as the amount early bidden.

The man came to the scene, handed over the money to the dealer but with eyes fixed at the prized possession. When Gomer saw who the guy was, she immediately cried.

It was Hosea. Locking her with his embrace, he cried,

Come back to me with all your heart.

 Don’t let fear keep us apart.

Trees do bend, though straight and tall.

So must we to other’s call.

Long have I waited for your coming home to me and living deeply our new lives

You shall sleep secure with peace

Faithfulness will be your joy

Hosea was one of the best examples of a man who loves unconditionally. In spite of Gomer’s infidelity, he still wants her back, he still cares for her, and he did not give up on her. Hosea learned to love like that because that is how he is loved by God…unconditionally.

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