13 - Flynn Ryder

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It took me less than an hour to arrive at Wayne Manor.

Apart from all the traffic we faced in the city, especially in rush hour, the almost deserted road which lead to Wayne Manor was, obviously, completely car-less. The gates of the building I had left behind in the morning loomed over me once again.

Say, once the car reached the gates, I had no idea what to do.

When I had arrived with Jason, the gates had flung open on its own, and when I left, Damian said he'd open them from the inside.I debated on calling Damian for a favor, but instantly shut it down.

I'd rather not owe him.

It was then I noticed the button on the side door, hidden along with the other window-lock keys. A rather small one, blending in with the gray interiors of the car. It was almost plain, with a 'W' printed smack on top of it.

I'm guessing that was for opening the gates, and even if its not, what's the harm? Knowing Bruce, the worse that could happen was the car ejecting us into the sky while it catches fire. Daily happenings.

I made a bold choice and pressed the button.

And Voilà!

The gates swung open as I sped past the huge courtyard and parked a few inches away from the entrance, just like Damian had done before. Groans were heard from the ones in the backseat, while Luka was fast asleep.

It was an hour's journey after all. It took me a few minutes to get them all awake and usher them out of the car, locking it on my way to the entrance. Let me tell you, waking up Adrien is the hardest; the boy sleeps like a log.

I rang the doorbell for the first time here, seeing I had a welcome troop stand outside for me last time. Those few seconds waiting for the door to open were the longest of my life. The door then slammed open, harshly.

Alya winced at the sound, while Adrien finally snapped into his senses. I look up to the person making such chaos, only to see the man who had insulted me, and then comforted me, all in a span of a few hours.

Damian stood in the doorway, leaning against the frame lethargically. His almost-couple clothes-with-me had been switched to the classic Gotham University uniform; one which I had seen far too many times searching for Jason.

"What's up, Dami~"

No, I did not mean to say that. But I did. Once I saw that smug smirk on his face, I just needed to wipe it off his face. And that's exactly what my comment did, making him scowl and glare at me.

I'm not scared of him.

But his glares really make me shiver.

"Do not call me that." he growls out. "Aww, where's the kind Damian who comforted me this morning?" I teased, treating him like a grumpy cat. And maybe he picked up on that, which was probably a bad thing.

"Here." he muttered.

Before I could process what was going on, Damian had picked me up and swung me over his shoulders, carrying me inside like a damn rag doll. "What the hell! Let me down." I screeched in surprise.

I looked back at my friends, giving them a pleading look, all while they stood and laughed at the scene before them. "I thought your legs might ache." said Damian, bringing my attention to his amused face.

"Oh, shut up."

"You said you wanted me to-"

"Just shut up."

I gave up, defeated. Damian's laughter rang through the halls of the Manor, until he reached the living room, where the entire Wayne family was lazing around. Damian's footsteps made Dick and Bruce look up.

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