6 - The Dinner Debacle

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Alfred and I finally reached a huge pair of wooden doors after walking down long hallways. He pushed and held them open for me to enter. With a smile, I walked in, just glad to be doing something rather than sleeping my ass off.

At least I caught up on all the sleep I lost on the plane.

The Waynes sat around the table, chattering away as if they hadn't met in a really, really long time. I quietly walked in, trying not to disturb anyone, as I sit next to a girl with pretty blonde hair.

"Hi, I'm Stephanie Brown. Nice to meet you." said the girl, after noticing me. "Nice to meet you, too. I'm Mari-" "Marinette Dupain-Cheng. I know. The boys filled me in on everything. I'm sorry I wasn't able to meet you then." said Stephanie, with a sympathetic face.

"It's okay. I'm glad to have met you now." I say, smiling.

I look around the table, trying to spot Barbara, Jason's girlfriend. I heard she had red hair, it can't be that hard to spot. But no matter how much I looked, I couldn't find her.

"Who are you looking for?" asks Stephanie, pausing her conversation with Tim to look at me. "Um, Jason's girlfriend." I whisper, trying not to catch the said boy's attention. "Barbs? She's not here. She's staying at her dad's house today." replies the blonde.

"Oh damn. I was curious to see what kind of woman would date such a huge goof." I state, making Stephanie and Dick, who sat next to me, laugh. This statement of mine unfortunately caught Jason's attention, who glared at me in return.

The wooden doors slammed open, and then walked in the rude-ass green-eyed guy whose head I've been staring at the whole day. Damian walked in and simply sat in the chair right opposite to me. Everyone looked at the poor guy like he was some kind of alien.

The awkward silence was then broken by Bruce, who was sitting at the head of the table. "So, shall we eat?" he said, motioning for Alfred to bring the food.

Conversations flowed again, as people started laughing and talking. Selena had joined us sometime in the middle, apologizing for being late.

"Oh, Marinette." called Jason, mouth stuffed with food. Dick leaned over the table and simply smacked him in the head and mumbled something about 'table manners', which sent the whole table into a fit of snickers. Jason just rolled his eyes and swallowed his food, continuing.

"Anyway. You said you're moving to Gotham." he said, putting on a poker face. "Yeah?" I replied, wiping my lips with a tissue. "Only you? But why?" he asked, confused. "No, not only me. I'm moving with my friends." I said, smiling. "Why?" he asked, brows furrowing more.

"She would have her own reasons, Jason. Stop being nosy." said Damian, who had been eating his food quietly until now. "Your one to speak. Did you even give her the tour? You didn't come by my room." said Jason, scoffing and elbowing the brunette sitting next to him.

"I didn't." he said, rolling his eyes and elbowing Jason back. "Seriously? Then what did you guys do all day?" asked Jason, raising his eyebrows. Suddenly, Damian's ears turned red, and he turned away.

"Nothing. We did nothing."

"Yeah, he's right, Jase. We did nothing. He was studying." I said, sitting up straight and trying not to fall asleep. "Okay. Then what were you doing?" asked Jason, turning to me.

Okay, what was up with him? It's like he thinks I slept with his brother. Not like that would ever happen.

I roll my eyes, answering. "I was time passing and slept for some time." I say. "You slept the whole day...?" he said, in a voice that irritated me like hell.

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