53 - Bam! Plot Twist

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*beep* *beep*

My world had gone silent just like the stream had, my heart beating in tune with the beeps. I heard Damian's breath hitch next to my ear, and when I turned to look at him, he was mortified.

His face went pale, and I could see the fear glistening in his eyes. No matter how emotionless you were trained to be, hearing the accusation that he had done something so disrespectful, so disgusting, rattled him to the core.

Damian's eyes left my phone screen to look at mine and then to look at the ground. I squeezed his arm in assurance, but it wasn't really doing shit when we stood in the middle of a crowd insulting him.

"L-let's get you to the car first."

My voice was barely a whisper, and when Damian made no attempt to move, I grabbed his arm, dragging him to the fancy car parked a few shops away. I put Damian in the passenger's seat, seeing as he was in no condition to drive, before getting in too.

I slam the car door behind me, turning to the brunette. Damian's eyes were unfocused, dazed as he stared at the steering wheel in front of me. "I-i shall drive." Damian spoke, his voice breaking in the middle.

"You will do nothing of that sort."

I command, glaring at him. Damian looked back at me, and somehow he seemed like he was apologizing. "Don't look at me like that, Dami- h-hey. Why do you look like the world just ended?" I ask, chuckling nervously.

"Because it just did."

Damian's voice was shaky, but he tried his best to stabilize it. "No, it didn't." I say, furrowing my eyebrows. "We can fix this, Damian. It's going to be fine." I say comfortingly, reaching my hand out to pat him.

"Like hell it is going to be fine. Marinette, you cannot fix this. Not without losing something." he says, making me confused. Noticing my confusion, he sighed. "Lila knows we have a recording. And she knows we can release it."

I nod at Damian's statement. "So my question for you- Why would she say something like that, when we can easily prove otherwise?" he asks, making me pause. I thought about it. Why would she do that?

But I didn't need to think about it.

We both already knew the answer.

Back in the recording, Lila approached Damian, and almost kissed him in the end. But Damian did nothing to push her away, only going as far as defending me. And even though Lila was being obvious about harassing Damian, not everyone would think that.

Saying Damian almost r*ped her, she made him a vile monster, which would throw bias into the public's eyes, making it seem like Damian was the one stringing her along, even though he had a girlfriend, or worse, that he was having an affair.

Also, there was the fact that he had voluntarily entered the women's washroom and zipped up her dress, and you can't see from the recording how unzipped her dress was. For all the public knew, it could be very revealing.

Lila gave Damian an ultimatum.

Be a r*pist, or a womanizer and a pervert.

Where his reputation would be ruined either way.

Damian stared into my eyes sadly, and I stared back.


SATURDAY, 06-01-2024

11.23 AM

'First, you get Lila to meet you in a private setting.'

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