55 - Wake-Up Calls & Coffee Orders

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It was warm; It was comfy.

The first rays of sunlight penetrated through the blinds, brightening the otherwise dark room. I squinted, turning the other way and squeezing myself into the comforter. It wasn't long before I realized that I would be warm even without the blanket.

There was a human furnace next to me, eyes glued shut in force, arms wrapped around me just as tightly. I grinned in my sleep. It was high time we woke up- me and Damian, but god, we were just too lazy to get up.

That is- before Damian's phone started ringing.

It wasn't the normal ringtone, I noted. It wasn't that soft, melodious, violin instrumental Damian bought all rights to when he thought it reminded him of me, no. It was more like a blaring siren sound, something off the top of an ambulance.

I opened my eyes in shock, wondering if there was an emergency. Imagine the city is in danger, and the vigilante who's supposed to be saving everyone is in bed with his girlfriend, trying too hard not to open his eyes- all shits and giggles.

"Dami, your phone."

My voice was hoarse, either from not using it the whole night or using it too much when we decided to play video games before sleep. "Mm." the brunette hummed, pulling me closer. "Ignore it." he says, voice just as hoarse, if not more.

"What if it's an emergency?" I hiss, pulling away and searching for where he kept his phone. I spotted it immediately- it was the one of the few things out of place, a slytherin green covered phone with two crossed katanas.

"What if it is not an emergency?" he asks back, groaning as the phone that fell silent began to ring again. "Damian!" I hissed, to which he frowned and pulled me into a hug. "Shh." he spoke.

I scoffed, reaching over him and picking up the blaring phone kept on the bedside table. The screen was beeping red, so I just tapped on the screen, to which a call log showed up. "Hello?" I spoke, almost yawning due to my ruined sleep.

The phone was silent, even though I swear I heard whispers a few seconds ago. "...Damian?" the person on the other side called, my eyes widening in familiarity. "It's Marinette." I spoke, hearing as Dick sighed in relief.

"Hey blueberry." he spoke, huffing as if he was suppressing his anger. "Was that pixie? The demon is with pixie? I'm going to kill him." I heard Jason whisper in the background. "Please do. How dare that bastard stay the night?" Tim sounded just as pissed.

"Is something wrong?" I asked, confused. Dick sighed loudly. "Nothing's wrong, Mari. Damian dissapeared last night and he wouldn't pick up his phone, so we tried calling from the bat-comms." Dick explained.

I pulled the phone away to see that Damian had put his phone on silent and DND. I raised my eyebrows. "His phone's on DND. Sorry about that. He was here last night." I say, confirming. Jason scoffs in the background, prompting Dick to ask something I couldn't hear properly.

I got my answer soon enough.

"Little' D stayed the night?" Dick asked, to which I hummed a yes. Jason scoffed louder that time. "How dare he?-" I heard him say. "-Bruce!" Tim exclaimed from the side. I heard clattering and a gasp.

"Bruce!" Jason called. "Your 'blood son' is dilly-dallying with Marinette." Jason said, scowl audible. I turned red, and Damian, who was trying so hard to ignore the conversation, snapped his eyes open.

He took the phone from me, putting it on speaker. "I was not!" Damian denied. "What?" I heard Bruce's gruff voice from a little far, his footsteps approaching. "Apparently, he stayed the night." Tim supplied, making Damian gasp.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 02 ⏰

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