52 - Reverse Card

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"Let's get more."

"No, Marinette."

"Please! This is too bland."

"You have emptied 2 bottles of chili sauce!"

Damian and I ended up at a restaurant called 'Lune Bleue' somewhat 15 minutes away from the Gotham Botanical Garden. It was a short drive, and I had dragged him inside the restaurant purely because it looked aesthetic.

Damian had resisted a lot, simply for the reason that there were many people there. When I asked him why, he said he didn't like crowds. I asked him what he would do if there was a restaurant he wanted to go to, but there was a crowd.

'I can just rent out the whole place.'

Damian replied, shrugging it off as if it was nothing. I scoffed, pulling him to stand in the queue. 'There's a first time for everything.' I said, while Damian whined, trying to drag me to the fancy 5-star restaurant nearby.

"It's still too bland." I complained, as Damian scoffed. "You are going to burn your tongue off." he said, shoving his noodles inside his mouth. "I won't!" I argued, to which he sighed, calling over the waiter and asking him to get another bottle of sauce.

Now, I genuinely didn't know if Damian noticed or not, but the waiter had been eyeing the brunette for quite a while, blushing every time Damian called him over, which was a lot since I wanted more sauce.

The waiter stuttered out a 'Yes', practically running away to get what Damian wanted. Well, I can't blame him. Even guys would find Damian hot. I rolled my eyes, to which Damian raised his eyebrows.

"What?" he asks, wiping his mouth with a tissue. "Put your blazer back on." I said, making him look at me in amusement. Damian had sported a simple yet fancy outfit today, matching a casual blue jean and white t-shirt with an indigo suit blazer.

Seeing as it was pretty hot outside, Damian had removed his blazer when we entered the restaurant, draping it over his chair. And god, this boy could make even simple clothes look expensive. Given he himself was expensive.

"No." he deadpanned.

"Why not?"

"Love, have you seen how hot it is out?"

Damian looked at me in confusion as I huffed and turned away. "Marinette? Is everything alright?" he asks, concerned. "No!" I say, turning to him. "I-" Before I could say anything, the waiter came back with the sauce.

Damian ignored the waiter, snatching the sauce and placing it before me. The waiter blushed at Damian's actions and walked away. (What did Damian even do to make him blush? The brunette just ignored him!)

"I don't want it anymore." I say, looking at the bottom of the bottle. Damian follows my gaze. He grabs the bottle, ripping the sticky note off the bottom. Without even reading it, he crumples it up, throwing it to the side.

I widened my eyes.

Damian opened the bottle and pushed it toward me. "Happy now?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. I huff once again, pouring the sauce into the noodles and eating it. "My, my. Do not tell me that you were jealous, love." Damian teases, making me go red.

"No, I wasn't!" I defend. "Oh, really? Then you should not mind if I just-" Damian leans over to pick up the yellow paper he threw on the ground. I lean, slapping his hand away. "So you were jealous." he says in amusement.

"I wasn't jealous."


"Jealously is for people who are insecure. These people can admire you in a shirt for all I care, because at the end of the day, only I can see you without it." I say. Damian's face heats up so much that even his dark skin couldn't hide his blush.

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