19 - The Burrito Mishap

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It was 11 am by the time we got over our excitement.

Adrien, being the curious blonde he was, decided to mess with the coffee machine, making us all coffee. That was probably a bad decision, seeing as it sent all of us on a caffeine rush.

"This place is amazing." Chloe said, eyes scouring every inch of the living room. "It is. Now, all we need to do is move in." Luka told her, pulling Chloe closer and pecking her cheek.

"That's it!" she said, jumping up in excitement, as Luka's arm fell off her. The blue-haired boy pouted as his girlfriend ignored his affection. Nevertheless, he decided to entertain her.

"What's it?"

"All we need to do is move in!" she squealed, repeating what Luka had said, while the said boy looked as confused as we were. Adrien's eyes sparkled. "I get her. Guys, we can move in now!" he said.

"Huh?" I blurted out, confused. "No, seriously. All we need to do is go to Wayne Manor, stuff our clothes back in our suitcases, buy some groceries, and we're set to go!" Adrien said again, smiling.

"That's a good idea, really."

"But someone needs to pick up groceries."

The room went silent.

"Well- I'm not going."

"Me either."

"Good. We'll move in tomorrow then."

That was the end of it. Adrien and Chloe looked super bummed out, to which Alya retorted that if they get the groceries, we could follow through, to which both of them recoiled in disgust.


It was 7 pm soon.

Time passed quite quickly, and I'm sure I wasn't the only one feeling like that. I decided to take a nap, feeling tired out of my mind. The past days were quite hectic, and my brain desperately needed a break.

When I woke up at 7 pm, everyone except Luka was sprawled on the couch of the cinema room, watching a movie, eating chips and what-not. So they would go to the store to get snacks, but not for groceries.

I live with crackheads.

I yawned, walking to the kitchen and pouring myself a cup of coffee, which I'm sure Adrien had refilled for the fourth time that day. If anyone could rival Tim in coffee consumption, it was me and Adrien.

A bad habit we'd developed from being the only superheroes.

I walk back into the cinema room, only to see that no one had moved an inch. "Have you guys been here the whole time?" I ask, to which Nino shook his head without taking his eyes off the TV.

"We went to the movie theater with Luka." he replied.

"And you're watching a movie again?"


I- what?

"Where's Luka?" I tried again, confused. Nino looked annoyed with my questions. "He said he's tired. Now shh, Mari. I'm trying to watch a movie." he replied. I shrug, walking out into the hallway and away from the noise.

My phone rang, making me confused.

I switch it on, my phone shining brightly among the lights which Adrien had probably switched off, stating that they were distractions while watching a movie. I saw about 2 missed calls from Jason and a few messages from Bruce.

Bruce Wayne: Hello Marinette. How is the house site?

[Sent 11.35 am]

Bruce Wayne: I assume it must be good, seeing as you haven't come back yet.

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