24 - Primà Rosà

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The events of the morning stopped no one.

The sun still rose, the wind still blew, and Lila still continued spewing shit. Right as I walked down the stairs, I was hit with the opportunity of listening to one more episode of Lila's amazing adventures.

Although this one was about Damian Wayne.

Her latest obsession.

Well crafted and almost believable, her stories were actually interesting, I must admit. She would have become a great writer. Pity her talent is wasted this way. If only she were a better person.

Usually immaculate, today her lies had a flaw. A huge one. There she was, going on and on about her amazing date with Damian Wayne, while the guy was literally in the next room.

And no, not one bothered to go and ask him, because, as a matter of fact, the Wayne Family did not know and Damian wanted to keep it a secret. How she managed to explain the fact that her 'boyfriend' was in bed with me, would remain a mystery.

I mean, if I were to be Lila's boyfriend, I understand why I'd want to keep her a secret. I walked towards my friends, silently glancing at the CCTV recording us. Why? Because this is Gotham, and every camera here recorded audio.

Lila's lies were caught in 4K.

And I'm sure Bruce would be willing to lend us the footage.

The only reason we couldn't sue Lila was due to the lack of proof. Lila was smart, even if I hated to admit. All she did was spit out convincing lies, making the other students do all the bullying work for her.

But lying about Damian Wayne and the Wayne Family was crossing the line. Bruce had enough time and power to fight her in court for eternity and not have a single dent in his bank account.

"Chloe!" I shouted, walking towards her, as Lila gave me the stink eye for interrupting her story. The blonde welcomed me with a hug and an inquiry of what happened this morning, as Lila got back to her tale.

"Hey, where are the others?" I ask, once again. Luka and Chloe were the only ones here. "They're still getting ready. That or they got lost on the way." she scoffed, amused. "Definitely the second option." said Luka.

"We're here." Adrien screeched as he appeared, interrupting Lila again. Alix groaned, asking the blond to shut up, to which Adrien blew a raspberry. How mature.

"Man, have you seen this place? It's a whole damn maze." Nino says, panting. "I wonder how you're a hero." Alya snickered at her boyfriend. Nino gasped in offense, to which Alya smiled apologetically, diverting the topic.

"Hey, we going out today? Tim asked us to wear something warm." asked Alya, slowly slipping her hand into Nino's. Nino's cheeks turned red, and I honestly couldn't believe they had been together for years already.

Bruce opened the door, entering the hall.

"Good morning, everyone. I hope you had a good sleep." said Bruce, smiling politely. "Father, you really do not need to give a speech." said a voice from behind him, from Damian.

The Wayne brothers walked into the room, settling by our side as Jason sulked and muttered something to me about how Stephanie had dragged Barbara shopping without telling him.


Bruce cleared his throat and continued. "Last night's activities were canceled due to some well-deserved reasons. And I hope you understand that I will not tolerate this kind of behavior in the future." he said pointedly.

Everyone nodded.

"Seeing as you all have not seen the city, we are going to explore the town. Let's have dinner at the most famous restaurant in this city and then the boys will show you all the hot spots in town." Bruce summarized.

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