41 - Monster

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"You told me, Damian."

The brunette stares at me in shock. "M-marinette?" he stutters out in shock. I smile at him, although hesitantly. "Hi, Damian." I spoke up, unintentionally confirming to him that it was really me who stood before him.

"What...?" He stepped towards me slowly, caressing my arm, just like Jason had done when we had met at Wayne Enterprises. This building was really a place which reunited people. His face showed such confusion, it made me hate not telling him earlier.

"You are... the magic bug lady?"

And all of a sudden, the melancholic mood of the night faded away.

I scoff. "It's 'Lady Luck'. Get it right." I shove his hand off me as he laughs at my reaction. His laughter fades away into peaceful silence. He looks at me, slowly understanding.

"You are her." he whispers. "Is this why you ran away when I told you who I was?" he asked, as his initial shock faded away.

He too removed his mask, exposing his bare face as I stared into his eyes.

"No. I ran away because I knew."

Damian looked at me in confusion. "You... knew? Knew what?" he asked. I sighed, explaining everything. Well- most of it. I decided not to tell him I knew his identity, since that might be a lot to throw at him.

"I know your story, Damian. No, I knew Robin's story. I knew about how his mother trained him to be a killing machine, and how many people he had killed before he had become a superhero.

So when I found out 'Robin' was you, I kinda freaked. I didn't want to hear all that out of your mouth, it would make the story more true."

I finished my speech and waited for his reaction. I thought that Damian would understand. That he would smile and say it was okay, and that we would hug our problems away. But I couldn't be more wrong.

Damian had tears in his eyes. I stared at him in worry. "Dami...?" I whispered, moving closer to him, just as he moved away. His hands shook slightly, as my worry for him increased even more.

"I told you, Marinette. I am a monster."

He shied away from my touch, clutching the mask in his hand tightly. "I warned you that if you knew who I was, what I was, you would hate me." he said. The air between us became tense.

Is that what he thought? That I was so disgusted with his past that I ran away? That I didn't want to hear his story because then it would all be true? That wasn't it at all.

"Damian, you're no monster. There are many others who kill people for the fun of it. They're monsters. Why? Because monsters have no regrets."

"You had no choice, Damian. You were raised that way. The reason I hate your story is because I couldn't understand what kind of mother would raise her son that way. It somehow made me glad my mother isn't here now."

"What I'm trying to say is... I don't hate you." I said. I was out of breath by the time I finished. I patiently waited for Damian's reaction, which I couldn't see as he had turned away. "Close your eyes, Marinette." he whispered, not turning around.

"Why?" I asked, confused. "Just do it, baby." he replied. The nickname caught me off guard, as I immediately shut my eyes, flustered. I felt his hand on mine, as he slowly intertwined our fingers.

And then, I felt his lips on mine.

I gasped, opening my mouth as Damian enveloped my mouth in an open kiss. I shut my eyes even more tightly, grabbing onto his suit and pulling him in closer. His hand snaked around my waist, slamming our bodies together.

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