11 - Exception

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It took me barely a minute to change.

After all the stalking I did of Adrien, years of being ladybug and a few... close calls, gave me enough experience to change fast. Admittedly, it was quite embarrassing, but what can I say, it was all in the past.

I threw my dirty clothes in a paper bag Stephanie helpfully left for me, before slamming the room's door open. A hand comes and smacks my face, not to hard, yet not too soft. "Ow." I hissed, clutching my forehead and dropping the bag I held in my hand.

"Oh shit- I apologize." came a voice. The same voice that mocked and challenged me a few hours ago, only this time, it was softer. Damian stood in front of me, clutching my shoulders to steady me.

I looked up at him, annoyed.

His newly showered hair, which he presumably blow dried, flopped onto his face as he let go of me, leaving me with an insatiable urge to run my hand through them. All until I got reminded of today morning.

He wore clothes which were different than I remembered, somehow undeniably matching with the clothes Stephanie had put out for me. Something in the back of my head told me she had planned this.

But, did she really have enough time to?

The same voice in my head said, 'No.'

"So-" he tried to start a conversation. I stared at him blankly. "The sky looks pretty today." he blurts out randomly, making me take a second to process what he said. The sky?

"Damian, we're standing under a ceiling."

"Oh, right."

He stayed silent, making the nonexistent conversation even more awkward than it previously was. "You don't converse often, do you?" I ask, raising my eyebrow in suspicion. "No, not really. Not on my own accord anyway." he croaks out, not meeting my eyes.

"I can tell. You're shit at this." I reply. "Thank you for your opinion." he replies sarcastically. "Why are you here anyway?" I ask, confused. Damian finally looks me in the eye.

And then he sighs.

"Look-" he started. The brunette then looked at me, and sighed again. "Stop sighing." I say, narrowing my eyes. What was wrong with this guy? Where's the idiot who accused me of being a witch and a gold-digger.

"I just- I do not know. I just wanted to say I am sorry." he says, scratching the back of his head. "Sorry for what?" I asked again, hoping he actually knows. He sighs again. "I am sorry for being rude at breakfast, and also insulting you this morning."

Correct answer.

I smiled at him in suspicion. "Dick didn't force you to do this right?" I asked him again. "NO! No- Of course not. I mean it." he says, looking at my face, and then continuing. "I am not trying to make excuses, but I do not really open up to new people I meet. And maybe, because of that, I might be mean."

"Only to new people? From what I've seen, you aren't too close with your brothers either." I say. "Well- they are an exception. In everything." he says, making me giggle. He stared at me, smiling.

"Your interrogation is almost over." I state, making Damian chuckle. "So, why are you explaining this to me? I thought you said you didn't open up to people." I ask. He pauses, as if to think about his answer.

"You are an exception."

I looked at him in wonder. 'Why me?' I wanted to ask, but kept quiet as he continued. "I mean, I am hoping you could be an exception. If you want, that is." he says, fidgeting with his hands.

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