47 - Same Shit, Different City

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"Can you just hurry up, Marinette?"

Alya's voiced echoed through from the other side of the door. "I'm almost done!" I shouted back, shoving on my jacket in my final attempt to look presentable. "You've been saying that for the past few hours!"

"Don't be so dramatic, Alya."

I slammed the door open in a hurry, grinning at the brunette before shoving on my heels clumsily. Alya rolled her eyes. "You've been getting ready for the past 2 hours to come up with this?" she says, eyeing my outfit.

"Why? What's wrong with it?" I ask, confused. Alya ran her eyes through my form before turning away. "Nothing." she murmured, somehow offending me. "Hey! Tell me the truth. Alya!" I hiss at her as she walks away.


The brunette however does not stop in her steps, walking down the stairs. I take a step forward, slipping on my undone heels and falling flat onto the ground. I hear Alya laugh from where she was, wishing me a 'Good luck' and ultimately leaving.

I sit on the floor with a huff, trying to put on my heels, properly this time.

It had been quite a while since the vigilante secret was out, and Dad had left that night, something about a villain attacking his office building. Not before giving Damian a talking to- they had been out all night doing who knows what.

Since then, Damian and I, however, had gone on many dates. We went to the movies once, to watch Mission Impossible- the latest movie. Halfway through, I realized Damian wasn't really surprised at the happenings of the movie.

With a bit of seducing and blackmail, I found out that the boy had already watched the movie secretly in curiosity. I was ready to beat him up, but he convinced me to ditch the movie.

And then we ended up at the Manor, watching the Miraculous Ladybug and Chat Noir movie, with Damian cursing out the director, animator, voice actor, and everyone else involved in the making of the film, who thought me and Adrien were good together.

The brunette had also snuck into my room last night, leading to us talking and playing till 4, which was ultimately the reason I woke up late, which lead to Alya shouting at me so goddamn early at the morning.

And I hadn't even eaten breakfast.

I groaned, standing up and getting my balance together. I was sleepy and hungry, which was not a good combination, at all.

Ms. Bustier had called us yesterday, talking about how the class had to go to the Gotham Gardens today, and we were required to join. This meant meeting the class, Lila, and a whole lot of drama.

The only thing that was still keeping me going, was the fact that Damian said he would be there, along with Dick and Jason, who were supposed to be the tour guides today, seeing as Tim had gotten his chance a few days ago.

Damian would be there.

A smile forced itself onto my face, as I grinned widely at the thought. Given, I had only seen him a few hours ago, who wouldn't want to see such an handsome face? I was simply glad I was the only one who sees him like that.

I walked down the stairs in a hurry, running past the living rooms and the kitchen toward the main door. Luka waited for me patiently in his car with Kagami in the back. "Hi." I whispered, sitting down in a hurry and shutting the door.

"Hi, Mari." Kagami replied from the front. "Your breakfast." Luka said, shoving a paper bag toward me and starting the car. "Oh shit, thanks Luka. Where are the others?" I ask, grabbing the bag from him and opening up the Veg roll inside.

GOTHAM: BEYOND EVIL || DamienetteOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz