31 - Beauty And The Beast

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Pancake day was officially over.

Well- not the day, but the pancake part. After Dick chased down Damian down the long ass mansion and never managed to catch him, we all settled down to watch a movie.

Of course, Damian showed up in the end, boasting about how no one caught him, only to get flour thrown at him, making the brunette huff and walk up the stairs to shower again. Damian also made everyone promise they wouldn't start without him.

Of course, we started without him.

Jason told me that the only reason Dick stopped chasing Damian was probably because Damian threatened to steal all his Disney themed plushies. Yes, the grown man liked Disney.

And that was probably the reason we were watching Beauty and the Beast on the large flat screen that they call a TV. Honestly, that thing belonged in a theater. They even had a huge separate room for this.

I mean- I had one too.

Just like you probably guessed, there was a huge ruckus while deciding the movie. They first decided to pull chits only to find that each and everyone was cheating. Next resort, they played rock-paper-scissors and Damian won every match.

And then Dick won the final match between him and Damian, the brunette handing the choosing rights to the ravenette on a gold platter. And even after the game, suggestions were screeched out, hoping Dick would choose one of them.



"How about Home Alone?"


In the end, Dick decided on Beauty and the Beast. The man had almost agreed to watch Kingsman, and everyone was satisfied, right until he switched the TV on and saw the Beauty and the Beast poster, instantly changing his mind.

For a vigilante, Dick was too fickle.

Dick clapped in delight as the starting credits rolled in, and I swear I saw Jon whisper a small 'Yes' in his seat. And then, the movie started, pulling us all into the world of fantasy and magic, where everything could come true.

The movie was amazing.

I had almost forgotten how great Disney was. Those dreams we used to have as kids, to get our happily ever after... what happened to us? As kids, we used to love the heroes, but as adults, we understand the villains.

Prince Adam was just another spoiled brat who got everything handed to him on a silver platter. He didn't know kindness, as he wasn't taught about it. So it wasn't exactly his fault when he got cursed for being indifferent.

Belle was someone who had to work for everything she got, learning kindness from birth. When she met the Beast, she managed to change him into someone gentle and caring. There was a happy ending to their story, but not all stories have a happy ending.

A good amount of time through the movie, right during the scene when the Beast was stabbed and Belle was trying to save him, Damian, who was sitting on the floor, got up and walked out.

I looked at him, confused. I slowly followed him up the stairs. He walked all the way to the 3rd floor and to that one balcony he startled me on last night. He leaned against the railing, slightly hugging himself.

The sun shone brightly, even if only half of it was visible through the storm clouds. I walk toward him, making my steps purposefully louder to alert him. The brunette doesn't even bother turning back.

"Are you okay?" I breathed out, walking towards the railing, leaning on it just like last time. "I am fine." he says, not even sparing me a glance. "You don't seem fine." I say, moving a little bit closer to him.

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