44 - Serendipity

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"Why are we here, Dami?"

I didn't know we would end up on a beach when I got into Damian's car without asking questions, but I sure as hell didn't regret it either. The wind blew soft against my face as I followed Damian out of the car.

Damian just chuckled.

"Why not?" The brunette asked, turning back to face me. "What kind of answer is that?" I ask him, amused. "The one you want." he replies, making me grin for no reason. He grabs my hand, pulling me towards the shore.

The sky was insanely pretty, with pink and orange hues tinting the usual blue. The sun was reaching the horizon, seeing as it was almost 4 in the evening. There were no birds nearby; simply the sound of the waves hitting the coast.

The wind was salty and cold, but I didn't dare shiver, in case this big doofus makes me go back. Damian slowly pulled me towards the water. Stopping a good distance behind it, he let go of my hand.

Just before I could ask him why, Damian crouched onto the sand, grabbing my heels and pulling them off my leg before setting it down slowly onto the sand. He then undid his own shoelaces and shoved his boots next to mine.

The brunette stood up, brushing off the sand on his pants before pulling me into the water. "Come." he said, before waddling into the water. The cold water touched my feet, making me flinch in shock.

It took me a minute to get used to the cold.

I looked at my feet, moving the water around with my feet. Next to me, I look at Damian's feet, and his jeans, which were getting wet by the second. "Damian, your pants!" I said in alarm.

"Oh, shit!" Damian cursed before running away from the water and into safety. He wiggled his legs around, getting rid of the excess water before folding it up. Once he was done, he looked back at me.

I burst into laughter.

"How could you forget that?" I asked him, wheezing in laughter as I grinned at him. Damain looked shocked for a second, before he smiled. And that smile of his, for some reason, looked content.

Damian chuckled along with me until we stopped. Silence took over us as the brunette continued to stare at me. "What?" I ask, still smiling. "Nothing, I-" Damian starts, before scrambling for words. "Your smile is beautiful." he finishes, making me blush.

"Shut up." I muttered, before walking towards him. I approach the waiting brunette slowly, as he looks at me in confusion. I stop in front of him, slowly stringing my arms around his neck.

Damian smiled at me, just before I leaned in, pulling him into a kiss. Damian's lips meet mine softly as he continues smiling into the kiss. I pull him in closer, making him slip his tongue into my mouth.

We continued making out under the sun without a care in the world. I pulled him even closer and closer, slowly walking back into the water. My feet touched the water first, and it didn't bother me one bit.

But Damian, who was unprepared and unguarded with me, flinched as the cold water touched his leg. "Mmmf-" he let out, pulling away from me. I chuckled at Damian's flustered state as he looks down to see what happened.

"That surprised me." he said, making me laugh harder. But my laughter was muffled easily as Damian pulled me into another kiss, pulling away just as fast as he leaned in. He smiled at me.

"Want to go for a swim, Angel?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at the brunette. "I don't have extra clothes." I say sadly. Damian looks at me in silence before laughing. "So what?" he asks, moving away from me. "What is stopping you?" he asks, making me confused.

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