28. Keya

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Tyler never stops from contacting me, every single day. But all of his calls just went straight to voice mails. Obviously, he apologizes non-stop and promises to do better.

But again, I’m done. And that was why right before I went to the Texas airport I blocked Tyler’s number.

The truth that I was afraid that I can’t raise this kid all by myself before when I know I can, I fucking lose myself! I became desperate, and even idiot for letting him into my life and treat me like a complete shit. Now, it’s time to prioritize myself and stand on my own shoe.

For sure, my son will understand me why I chose to leave his father soon when he is old enough to understand everything.

I sighed, as the taxi I have ridden coming from the airport finally stopped in front of our house gate.
Yes! I have made it back home to Edinburgh. I should feel happy and excited but my feelings are all clouded by complete fear once my family sees my belly. I’m six months along, so it is pretty obvious now.

“Is this the right address miss?” The driver asked. He is probably wondering why I’m still not coming out of the vehicle yet.

“Well, yes.” I replied sighing again. My family didn’t have a clue that I am coming home today. The only thing they knew is that I’m coming home on Christmas, but then my professors were all kind enough to let me take the final exams early due to my pregnancy.

So right after I finish them all I booked my ticket right away to finally come home, oh well, aside from that I am afraid that Tyler might locate me and bug me again. After I paid the taxi driver, I started hovering my trunks heading to the door.

I sighed again gathering all the courage to knock on the door.

“This is now or never.”

I hear footsteps approaching the door and I badly want to back away because I still don't have the courage to face my mother but it's definitely too late. And besides, who else am I going to ask for help then? Absolutely no one, but only her.

My mom opens the door and the surprise on her face is up on the roof, she's really very keen to see me and so am I. However, the excitement on her face fades right in a second when she sees my belly.

But right before she says any single word I came rushing in and hug her tight. The control that I have been trying to hold in have finally bursted. I cried like a five year old.

"I'm sorry mom... I--i'm so sorry I disappointed you!" I said sobbing real hard.

"Oh Keya dear..."

"I get it if you won't take me back as your daughter, I totally understand. I'm ashamed of myself too for turning out to be like this." I started mumbling as I release her hug. "You never failed on reminding me not to be irresponsible and all that but look at me now, I didn't take all your advises and now I'm just a bloody failure! Sorry mother, so sor--"

"Sshhh... Shhh.. shhh! Keya? Keya..." My mother stops me holdingy face using both of her hands. "Listen. Pull yourself together! Take a seat. Rest. I'll make you some tea."

Few moments passed I am finally able to relax as I sat on the couch facing my mother. I can really feel that she's really disappointed, I am not an idiot!

"Where's Kelsey?" I ask her as I put the mug of tea down.

"She's in the bakery, filling in for me since she doesn't have a class." My mom answered calmly.

"What about Kam? When will he be home?" I ask too trying to make small talks and of course wanting to know what's going on with my sibling's life because in the past few months I was totally afraid of contacting them due to my situation.

"A week before Christmas, that is what he told me." My mom answered standing up and walked towards my direction to sat just right next to me. "Why didn't you tell me right away?"

"Because I was afraid, totally afraid." I sighed and released a very loud exhale. "I got knocked up mom... I'm just a huge ass slut!"

"Don't you dare call yourself that Keya. You know to yourself that you are not!" My mom scolded. "We're just human, we totally make mistake."

"Mom, I am a total disappointment to you. To Kelsey, to Kam!"

"So what are you trying to say? That I should not accept you and that baby you're carrying? Wouldn't that sound like a complete hypocrisy? I had you and your siblings without a father as well Keya."

"But at least you have a proper relationship with my father back then. Unlike me, I have sex with a guy I don't even know!"

"Haven't you really gotten to know the father of that baby?" My mom asks and so I told her everything that have happened in the last few months and what happened to me and Tyler, all of it.

I told him how cruel Tyler was and the reason why I finally left, cutting ties and officially whisk him away out of my son's life. My mom's reaction wasn't happy either.

"Maybe he has reasons." My mom commented which surprises me, but at the same time I thought that my mom always tries to see the positive side of a person no matter how awful that person may be. And that's the reason why I admire her a lot, she sees good things on people whether that individual wronged her or not.

"Bloody yes! He's a psychopath and a complete irresponsible moron!" I said. "His life is a huge mess and I swear to god mom you don't want to know more about it. You know what, can we just not talk about him please?"

My mom agreed and hold me tight letting my head rest on her shoulders. I hugged her.

"How can we tell Kelsey and Kam?" I asked.

"Don't worry about them. They can't do nothing about it anyway because it's already there." My mom assured. "You've been such a great sister to them Keya, you've been so supportive to them since day one and so I know that they'll support you too with whatever decisions you make."

"Why do you have to be so accepting mom?"

"You're my daughter Keya." My mom answered using her sweetest voice. "You and your siblings are the only reason why I am alive--thriving, working hard. And besides, everything happens for a reason. There is a reason why you're finally having a baby-- or why I am finally having a grandchi--"

"Son." I supplied.

"Oh! It's a boy?" My mom asks in complete excitement again and I nodded. She giggles.

"Aren't you disappointed with me? That I didn't get to finish graduate school as what I promised?"

"Keya, you've never been a disappointment to me. In fact I am so proud of you for being such a good daughter and a good sister to your siblings." My mom said rubbing my shoulders. "You work so hard to support them even if you are still studying too. Not everyone can do that and you managed to do it!"

I sighed because I am so thankful to have her as my mom.

"So stop being so hard on yourself. That is bad for my grandson." My mom says making me to giggle a bit.
Oh god! It is so nice to be home.

"Everything will make sense soon darling. Trust the process."

"I'll hold unto that mom... I hope so too!"

The Baby-Daddy: A Tyler Seguin FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now