Chapter 25

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Cane's father dragged my body across the passages. Even if I tried, my body aches too much to resist. My feet were too painful to even pinch the floor, my back felt like it was still being sliced with the firey dagger and hands shook at the mere thought of touching anything. I was being pulled across the room by the arm and sliding stomach flat on the floor.

I was sobbing and screaming and begging for dear mercy, but he ignored my pleas effortlessly. If anyone in the house saw or heard me, they chose not to bother and continued interacting and drinking. He opened the door and I again tried to wriggle my wrists out of his hold. It was futile. He pulled me into the room and shoved me inside, closing the door behind him.

"Please!" I begged, feeling the familiar ache in my heart. I knew what it was. It was helplessness. It was weakness. It was fear. And I despised it with a passion.

Cane's father chuckled loudly. "Keep screaming, sweetheart, it just makes this a whole lot better." he said, undoing his belt and inching closer to me.

Everything inside me screamed fear and weakness, but suddenly twisted itself into fury. I recognized that smile, remembered the sound of that chuckle. Loud, obnoxious, cocky...confident. All things I didn't have. And it twisted every bit of emotion living inside of me.

As he reached his hand out to grab me, I quickly slapped it away.

"Don't fucking touch me," I snapped, and he widened his eyebrows in surprise.

"Fine. Play how you want." he shrugged. "You're only making this more fun." A wide smirk graced his lips, causing a firey bile to rise up my throat. "You're disgusting!" I spat. "You're a coward. You seriously can't be so desperate for a fuck you had to force a sixteen year old. You sick bastard."

He chuckled sinisterly and grabbed my arm and held onto it firmly, causing my entire humerus to ache as he tossed me onto an undone bed. He hovered over me and placed both my hands and the side of my head, pinning me with his hands pressing my wrists against the mattress.

No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't get him off me. But then I stopped. The familiar cold shock that ran through me paralyzed me for a split second before I finally felt my hand move and shove him off me, causing him to fall off the bed and land on the floor with a merciless thud. I wasn't surprised of my strength, because I knew that I was not the one in control anymore. I couldn't feel anything. Not the pain in my back or the ache of my heart. It was all gone. All I could do was watch myself being controlled.

I stood up from the bed and shook my head in disapproval as I watched Cane's father get up from the floor, wide-eyed.

"Sorry old man," I eyed him up and down, shaking my head, "you're not my type."

He chuckled and dusted off the non-existent dust on his pants. "You're incredible, you know that? Just in front of my son, you were acting all weak and distressed. What happened to that?" he asked, slowly walking closer and looking for the perfect time to pounce.

I stood still in my position, ready to accept whatever attack he has planned as a challenge.

"Oh, her? She's resting. She likes to just watch me work in situations like this." I replied, crossing my arms as he pathetically walked closer with caution.

"Touch me, old man, and I'll be sure to rid you of your...precious manhood before you even start." I added.

He scanned me top to bottom before shaking his head. I studied his expression. He was underestimating me. Sadly for him, I loved being underestimated.

He lunged, grabbing me by my hips and attempted to push me onto the bed again. But I acted faster and shoved him first, watching him land on the floor again. But this time, I didn't leave him. Immediately when he hit the ground, I followed after him by dropping my knees on the floor and shooting hit after hit to his face. I did my worst; punching, scratching, grabbing, slapping whatever my hands could find.

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