Chapter 15

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The last few weeks have been nothing but hell. I stopped going to dance classes now to "stay away from that uncivilized Perez boy" and my mother had been trying to find new classes nearby that "strictly educates girls". To my relief, I will be graduating in just a few days, meaning my dream car is just at the tip of my fingers. As of now, I study non-stop everyday and still continue to spend time with James and keep up with the calls in between, since my mother caught up to the fact that I have been slacking in that department.

Back to life as we know it.

"Elizabeth, did you hear James' request?" my mother asks, making me realize that I was having dinner with my mother and the Arson family.

"Hm?" I ask, dropping my fork to the side and neglecting the barely-eaten food on my plate. My mother turns to James, the gesture clear that she wants him to repeat it.

"From now on, I would like our dates to be in public areas." James said, rubbing the corners of his lips with a napkin. "Since the matter about the Perez boy has surfaced all over social media, the public is under the impression that the two of you are still...together." He says the word "together" as if he can't stomach the mere word associated with Josh and I. I fight away a scoff.

"The public exposure will ensure to put everything in the right place. Is that alright with you?" Mrs. Arson's voice sounds from across the table.

Do I have a choice?

"But why?" I ask, "Isn't that just fishing for paparazzi and people to walk right behind our ass—" I quickly clear my throat, "behind us? We wouldn't even enjoy the day." Spending too much time with Josh and his cussing might have expanded my vocabulary quite the bit, or at least the obligation to say words that I have ignored for all my life.

James chuckles.

"Baby, I'm glad you enjoyed our privacy, but this is only to let people know who you really love. We can't leave them assuming that you're in love with some beaner."

My head shot up to his direction. My eyes narrowed, my fists clutched under the table.

"What did you just call him?"

James was baffled, but it immediately morphed into anger.

"Exactly what he is. He also nothing to you, Elizabeth, so what I said shouldn't bother you." With this, he scanned my face, looking for a particular reaction.

"Elizabeth," my mother suddenly spoke, "all we need to know is that you are on board with what James is offering."

I shake my head no, but mouth out a yes the loudest my voice could at the moment.

Mrs. Arson leans over across the table to hear me better.

"My child, speak clearer because —"

"Yes!" I say louder than I intended. Mrs. Arson moved back, her eyes wide with shock and offence.

"Elizabeth, would you like to excuse yourself until you have calmed down from whatever this little tantrum is?" my mother asked, basically telling me to leave the room or else she wouldn't hesitate to take action.

I get up from my seat and remove the napkin tucked under the hem of my shirt and dropped it to the table. I walk away thanking whoever is up there for sparing me the rest of this dinner.

He B-worded Josh and looked at me as if it's supposed to mean nothing. Insulted him right in front of my face and expected me to say nothing. Tears of anger ran down my cheeks furiously as I jogged up the stairs. How long am I supposed to take this? For the rest of my life? If so, I don't think I can. I can't do all they've asked of me.

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