Chapter 6

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I woke the next morning with a Monday mood. I took a shower longer than usual and took even longer to go downstairs. When I eventually did, my mother was already having breakfast and my dad was obviously already at work. I sat down in the chair across my mother and took a fruit salad that either Amy, Sarah or Donavan had prepared for meat my prior request. My mother didn't even spare me a glance when she saw me. Her eyes were fixed on a fashion magazine while her one hand turned the page, her other holding on to the tea cup she gradually took a sip from.

It was a long, relaxing silence; almost not long enough, before she spoke.

"Your French teacher tells me you have been struggling quite the bit." was how she wanted to start the morning conversation.

I groaned internally. Not that I was doing all that bad, but any score below 80% is an absolute fail to my mother.

"I try my best." I said, putting a fork full of strawberries and bananas into my mouth.

"Well, try harder. You know how important language is-"

"I beg your pardon, mother, but how is French all that important anyway? I know 5 other languages, fluently, might I add; and French is just another. Besides, it shouldn't matter what my grades are as long as I could speak it, right?"

I have truly had enough. Sometimes, I really wish I did go to normal school. Teachers controlling my education seemed alot better than her doing it. My mother placed her cup on the table and her magazine on her lap. Her eyes sparkled with sizzling wrath that emanated a tension in the room. I have feeling today will not end in my favor.

"First of all, you will never again interrupt me when I am speaking. You will wait until I am finished even if we have to sit on this table until dawn breaks, is that understood?"

I nodded obediently.

"And second of all, if you want that car, that..." she trailed off and clicked her fingers.

"Matte Black Dodge Challenger." I finished the sentence for her.

She nodded briefly. "You will get straight A's, no exceptions." she said, picking up her magazine and tea. I sighed and stood up, no longer in the slightest mood to eat anything.


The week dragged more than usual and I assumed it was because I have so much to look foward to on the weekend. My Wednesday was spent horse riding with James, which I would have enjoyed more if we had climbed separate horses. And I would've enjoyed it infinity more if he had kept his hands to himself throughout the entire time. My Friday was a "Romantic stroll around the park" that ended with a "Romantic picnic" where there was even more touching because we were alone if you count out the people walking past; and alot of me feeding him strawberries like he was a handless infant. The calls in between were agonizing, because all he spoke about was what we would do after we get married and other things along the lines of making babies. Details I am too disgusted to go into depth with.

That Saturday, I woke up at 5 a.m. despite having slept very late. As I made my way down the stairs, I could hear laughter coming from the kitchen.

"You bastard! How could you?!" came a voice I recognized to be Amy's.

"Hey, she flirted, I flirted back and things just happened." answered a voice I knew belonged to Donavan.

"Jesus Christ, Don. The woman is 50, not to mention you're married." Sarah's voice came from somewhere further than the kitchen.

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