Chapter 17

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We all sat around the table—for once, my father included—and stared nervously at the envelope in my mother's hand. Amy, Sarah and Donavan stood behind my mother, despite there being more seats on the table for them. I shouldn't be tense. I am an academic student and the results in that envelope will prove to be a reflection of my greatness. But I couldn't stop taking myself back to the moment I was seated on that desk, answering language questions based on my knowledge and fluency on French. That class seems to be my mother's main focus for a reason I know nothing about, and if I'm down even 1% from an A in that language, all my hard work goes down the drain.

My mother slid her index and thumb finger across the envelope, maintaining eye contact with me while I try my best to avoid it.

"Who are we waiting for?" I asked, still not looking her in the eye.

"James made it clear he wanted to be present for this. He is aware that it is one of the biggest moments in your life and he wants to be a part of it. A part of your life." my mother answered.

I nod and look towards Amy, Sarah and Donavan. They looked so serious, so professional. Don granted me a thumbs up, while Amy and Sarah smiled at me gently. The heart warming sight made me smile ear to ear.

"Christell, if we delay this any longer, I will be having to leave." my father said, making my heart drop to my stomach.

"Eric, couldn't you stay to be a a part of one thing in your daughter's life?" My mother gestures at the envelope.

"I work, Christell. Unlike you, I provide for this family."

"Are you implying that I don't?"

"Well, besides forcing our daughter to get married and dance, what else do you do?"

My mother placed a hand to her chest, letting out an exasperated gasp.

"Excuse me? Force? I have never made Elizabeth do anything she doesn't want to. Anyway, how would you know what she wants when all you do is work? You don't even know what she ate for supper yesterday, how on Earth would you know what she wants?"

My father chuckled in disbelief.

"I try to spend my free time with Elizabeth, Christell, don't act like I'm never around—"

"And when was the last time you actually did spend time with her? She was, what? Eight years old? You haven't the right to tell me how to treat my daughter."

"Our daughter." he emphasized.

"I will only call you her father when you are worthy of it."

I looked at both of them, my eyes glassy and my eyesight blurring. The silent tension that followed after their tiff was as good as torture. After the long silence, my father cleared his throat.

"I must return to work." he said, getting up.

"Please..." I say, before I could even stop myself. "Please don't go, dad." I'm aware of the desperation lacing my tone, but I don't care. My father isn't half as evil as my mother and I barely get to see him. He missed out on alot of things in my life due to work and I would much rather he didn't miss more. I needed him now.

He sighed, and stole a glance in my mother's direction.

"I promise, I'll make it up to you." he said before pushing in his chair and walking out of the room. A lie. Not only a lie, his favorite one. It might as well be a phrase. I could feel everyone's sympathetic gaze, and the one from my mother that told me I should not have asked anything of him. I try not to, but it's hard. He is my father after all.

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