Chapter 8

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Tìo Carlos and pastor John walked to my direction. I thought they were going to walk into the hall and I would be caught. I stood up and got ready to make a run for it. They can't accuse me without catching me.

But luck was evidently in my favor when they stood right by the door to exchange whispers that were meant only for their ears. I was trespassing into a ring of discreet words with the poise of a bee without its buzz. I could only be heard if I chose to be, only disclose my position by being heard. Because I was no longer able to peek out and see them, I relied on my ears to listen in.

"If you're thinking about conducting an exorcism on this woman right away, then forget it." Pastor John started sternly.

Tìo Carlos sighed deeply and from how much I know him, his reaction was likely to rub his face in frustration and then run a hand through his hair.

"I know, John." Another sigh. "But look at her," I assume he pointed in her direction because of the brief pause that came after. "I want to do everything I can to help that woman. What could possibly happen to her if we wait longer? Whatever it is that's taking control of her, it's not here to play. And from what I've seen so far, it is more than determined to get what it wants. What happens if it just kills her? I'm not asking for much, only that we move the exorcism to sometime sooner." Tìo explained.

"Carlos, I understand you completely. But this exorcism is due to be done in two months and a thorough investigation is to be done prior. We barely know anything and it is dangerous to do anything without the good amount of info. With your experience, I know that you know that."

"What do want to do, huh? Leave her like that? Not help her?"

"Of course not—"

"Then what?! Don't you get it? If we wait longer, this thing—whatever it is—is going to win. It's going to take her and we have no idea what it's capable of."

John sighed audibly.

"That is exactly why we do things before just jumping into it. We have an interview with her due in a week to find things like that out. What you're saying is mere foolishness."

I listen to them ramble on and on about Tìo's foolishness and John's insensitivity for what felt like forever. I half drifted out of their conversation until I heard something that captured my attention.

"You know what? Fine. But you better pray there's nothing vital missing from this case." John said with a tone that was laced with warning.

"I will. And I ensure you, we will save her."

There was more silence, my heart clenched in anticipation.

"One week. You have a week to get everything ready. I expect nothing less than success from this exorcism." John concluded.

"And I will do exactly that. " Tìo replied, his accent almost disintegrating as he said it.

They went back to Whitney and there was mumbling in their direction. They spoke softly to comfort her, but it served as a disadvantage in my perspective. I peeked through again to read their lips, only to see an overwhelmed Whiteny on her knees and thanking them.

"You have no idea how much you're helping me. Thank you! Thank you so much!" she exclaimed, almost in tears. They shook their heads and Tìo picked her up from the ground.

"Only doing our job." He smiled at her.

"But you do know that with the current circumstances, it is risky to do the exorcism this early." John explained.

Whitney stood up to her full length and fixed her hair.

"Father, I do not care. If I die in your hands, I know I will die much happier than if I had died in the hands of this demon." she said.

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