Chapter 24

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Vivian basically shoved me into one of the bedrooms upstairs and handed me a black attire. It was a long sleeve overall that covered my arms and legs, a lazy zipper holding everything together.

He had shut the door and left, and after that alot of movement and mumbling went on downstairs. My hands shook as I put on the outfit, running my hands through my blue hair to try to detangle some twisted strands. When I was done, nobody came to get me and I was too afraid to get out. Not only was I afraid that I shouldn't go out without being told, but I was delaying the initiation, hoping it would just pass without being done. But I knew that was impossible. I had to do this to prove my worth to the group.

I flinched and almost jumped from the bed when the door swung open and Cane entered.

"Ready?" he asked, holding his hand out for me to take. I nodded, hesitantly getting up from my seat and accepting his hand. He kept an oddly firm grip on me as we made our way out of the room. He surprised me when he stopped abruptly, spinning me to face him and grasping my arms.

"Look, Billie, I know you're new at this and this is all happening way too fast. I mean, you just agreed to join and we're initiating you on the same night which must be too much to process,"

I could only nod at his words.

"My father—our leader—he will be running the ritual. He's not lenient." I saw the warning gaze he gave me and could only nod, gulping down air into my dry throat. "But I want you to stay strong. And don't back out, Billie, please. I don't think I'll be able to save you from him if you do."

What did that mean? What would his father do to me if I backed out? His words only made my concern inflate further. Cane quickly noticed and cupped both my cheeks, planting a gentle kiss on my forehead. I shut my eyes as his lips lingered, taking in my last seconds of purity.

"Come on." he mumbled below a whisper, taking my hand and restoring his tight grip on it as we started down the stairs.

We walked out of the house and into the back yard where everyone stood facing a stage in the front view. They were all dressed in black hooded robes and stood still as dead as they awaited my arrival. In the centre of the stage stood the man I now know is Cane's father, standing patiently on the stage without a care in the world. Behind him was the image of the man himself–Baphomet. Though they were not real, I could feel his eyes burn into me and laughing a wicked laughter, satisfied to have gotten another one of God's shepherds into he and satan's grasps. I fought back a whimper as I continued towards the platform, grasping Cane tighter than he held me as the cool, soggy grass squished under my feet and between my toes.

Cane slipped on his hoodie with his free hand and I felt someone else take my other hand. I looked towards my right to see a boy who I didn't recognize, the hoodie hiding his features except for the smirk that was wide on his lips. I accepted his hand and we continued down the aisle.

Out of sheer instinct, I stole a glance down at the grass and the sight before me made my heart drop right on my heels and shattered every bit of strength I had left.

Before my bare feet was a trail of metal thorns leading to the platform where Cane's father stood. It was clearly made for me to walk on as it was broad enough for me to walk without trying to leave the trail.

I froze on my spot, shaking my head vigorously.

Cane noticed me stiffen and gave my hand a tight squeeze of reassurance. Stay strong, his words echoed endlessly in my head.

I took a deep breath, shutting my eyes tightly. I begged the Billie inside of me to come out and take over. To ask the question that would end all of my troubles. To numb the potential pain. But it never came. I didn't hear the familiar whisper in my ear. And it made my panic worse.

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