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I held onto Jaylynn's hand as if my life depended on it. I knew Jaylynn would crumble if I let go, so I gripped on tightly.
"Thank you.." I whispered to her, and she smiled softly. I noticed a stray tear fall down her cheek, and I reached up to brush it away, but cursed loudly when my arm reminded me what happened. She immediately put my arm back to it's resting place, and I softened any reflexes.
"You can go if you want." I told her and gave her a reassuring smile. At least, as best of a smile I could manage through the pain. She watched me for a couple more moments, before she slumped forward slightly, but complied.
"I'll be a shout away.." She whispered, and gave my hand a soft squeeze, and exited.
I rested my head back against the pillow, and swallowed a groan. This was going to be a couple long days, hours, weeks, god knows how long! What if my arm doesn't heal properly? I know of injuries that don't heal right. I've got plenty of scars. Scars really just are that, right? Something went wrong in the healing progress. Or the injury was just too much for it to be fixed into the way it was before.
Well in this case, I'm going to have a huge scar on my shoulder.
Already becoming impatient, I shifted around a little. Trying to ignore the growing urge to get up and jog around. It's difficult for me to stay in one place. These walls felt like they were closing in. I hate knowing that there is always a risk for anything, and I hate sitting here, knowing that I should be helping with lowering the many risks.
"God. Dang. Shoulder!" I growled and sent a glare at the injured limb.
It took a moment to realize what I was saying. I blinked a couple times, before I began to laugh softly.
"I must really be going crazy if I'm cursing at my arm." I murmured, and closed my eyes. Even if I wasn't tired, sleeping would help me not lose my sanity.

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