Act 29: Quantum

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Unknown Location, Unknown Time

The flames rose high into the black sky, deep grey clouds blocking out the sun. The air was suffocating, the sheer heat radiated from the flames scorching her skin. Durandal climbed to her feet, her head aching intensely. She only just noticed she was dressed in her 'Dea Anchora' battlesuit, finally realising that Perceval was not next to her. "P-Perceval?"  The Valkyrie looked around worryingly, her heart feeling like it was beating out of her chest. "Perceval? Darling, where are you?" The Knight emerged from the flames with Joyeuse in hand, he took hold of her hand with a comforting smile. "There you are, I finally found you." Perceval jerked his head in the direction he came from, letting go of Durandal's hand and turning to face where he came from. "Come on, Rita's waiting for us."  The Valkyrie followed along behind the Knight, looking around in sadness. "What happened her-" 


Durandal looked forwards as she noticed blood pouring from Perceval's back, a bright orange sword alight with flames pierced through his torso. "Per..." Her words faltered as the Knight fell down to the shattered pavement, bleeding profusely. The Valkyrie felt tears in the corners of her eyes. "Per... Perceval..." She looked up to see Otto Apocalypse holding a mimicry of Judgement of Shamash, the blood on the sword steaming as it evaporated off the blade. Before she could question him, he vanished like a mirage in the wind. Durandal fell to her knees and turned over Perceval, holding him in her arms. "Darling?" No response. She held her hand to his chest, but her power didn't manifest. "No... No... No!" The Valkyrie violently shook the Knight by his jacket, hoping that he would wake up. "Please! Perceval, you can't! PERCEVAL!" Her voice twisted into a scream as bloody tears ran from her eyes, Durandal's ears rung as a voice began to manifest. 

"... ianka..." 

"Bi... ka..." 

"... an..." 



Durandal's eyes shot open, she sat up quickly and out of breath. Cold sweat ran down the back of her neck, her heartbeat was fast and trembly. She felt a hand on her shoulder, turning her head to face Perceval; who's expression was twisted in worry. The Knight's grip tightened. "Are you alright, Bianka?" The Valkyrie reached out and placed her hand on his stomach, where the stab wound should have been. "... A nightmare..." Durandal slowly laid back down under the sheets, wrapping her arms around herself. "Thank god..." She whispered quietly to herself as she shivered, Perceval's arms gently wrapped around her as she lay on her side. The Knight frowned softly as he rested his head on his lover's shoulder, softly breathing into her ear. "Bianka? Darling?" The Valkyrie slumped into Perceval's arms, basking in his warmth. "It's alright now... It's over..." Perceval held Durandal slightly tighter, his hands reaching for hers. "You were thrashing and whimpering for dear life... I was really worried about you..." The Valkyrie shivered again, the thought of that nightmare making her incredibly scared. "Perceval... That nightmare... It was so real..." Perceval gently turned his lover over to face him, holding Durandal tightly against him and caressing her in his grasp. "Darling... What was the nightmare about?" The Valkyrie buried her head in the Knight's chest, her fingernails digging into his back. "... Otto... He... He killed you... And I couldn't..." Her throat burned and the words halted, she stopped speaking as Perceval caressed her and shushed her gently. The Knight hid his frown under a small smile. "It's alright, Darling. It was only a nightmare, it's over now..." Durandal looked up into her lover's hazel eyes. "It scared me, Darling... I'm afraid that no matter how strong I am, I won't be strong enough to protect you..." Perceval ran his hand through Durandal's beautiful hair, smiling kindly. "You won't have to worry, Bianka. You'll always be able to protect me, because you're stronger than you know." The Knight comforted her against his bare chest, whispering softly to her. "You know Russian, right? Ya lyublyu vas... (I love you...)" Durandal smiled and snuggled tighter against Perceval, exhaling softly. "Ya lyublyu vas... (I love you...)" The Valkyrie sighed lightly, holding her lover tighter. "... What time is it right now, Darling?" Perceval looked down at his watch, leaning his head into the crook of Durandal's neck. "Two in the morning... But we have assignments today." The Valkyrie buried her head in Perceval's chest, breathing softly. "... Darling, let's just sleep." The Knight ran his hand again through the Valkyrie's soft golden locks, smiling softly. "I'll hold you close to me, you won't have nightmares as long as I'm here..." Durandal kissed Perceval softly on the lips, resting her head against the Knight's collarbone and curling up against him. The warm feeling of safety that Perceval gifted her every time they cuddled was something the Valkyrie looked forward to every day, she smiled softly as her eyelids grew heavy. "Thank you, Perceval... I love you, my Darling..." The Knight felt himself also growing drowsy, his eyelids beginning to fall down his eyes. Perceval held Durandal close to him, gently resting his lips on her head. "Anything for you... I love you too, my Darling..." 

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