Act 40: Rematch

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Dark Hua snarled, the air crackling around her as her teeth grinded with an ear clenching screech. "You... You..."

Red Honkai erupted from her feet as she glared at the Herrscher of Wrath. "THIS ILLUSIONARY WORLD IS MINE! YOU HAVE NO POWER HERE!" Perceval raised one of his hands, the claws on his knuckles stiffly pointing at Dark Hua. 

"This world is only as strong as its maker, so show me if you've got any bite, little sparrow."

Perceval gestured for Hua to approach while his lips twisted into a smirk, his personality clearly mixing with Angra's in his complete transformation; yet Perceval was the maestro, and he would be the one to fight with these powers he once thought to be heretical. Dark Hua roared and cracked her whip-swords, blitzing towards Perceval in a frenzied fury. "I'LL KILL YOU!"

Scraping his claws against each other, Perceval chuckled as his eyes widened in excitement while incredible adrenaline rushed through his bloodstream; as if the rush of battle brought on a high in Angra's subconscious. "I'd like to see you try!"

MUSIC: Mystic Eyes Awakening - Tsukihime: A Piece of Blue Glass Moon

Kiana leapt away as she watched the two Herrschers rush towards each other, bodies low to the ground to build up speed; arms reared as they prepared to strike. Hua reeled in the whips and returned them to their sword forms, using the whips' momentum to build up what should have been an instant killing strike. But Perceval was prepared: using his razor-sharp claws, redirecting the swords to the side and headbutting the enemy Herrscher, sending her skittering across the stone pavement. Sheathing her swords, Hua readied her spear by her side. "A single strike is all you'll get!"

Swinging the spear in a deadly arc, Hua aimed for Perceval's exposed neck. Perceval barely managed to dodge, the spear scraping across his right pectoral; cutting through his thick armour and scraping his skin; drawing blood which dotted the end of her spear. The Knight snarled and whirled around like a gust of wind: slashing down from the Herrscher's right shoulder down to her left hip, also barely managing to land a hit. Taking a step back, Perceval covered his claws in amber Honkai before rapidly slashing at Dark Hua while she was recuperating from her throw. But as always, she was lightning fast: using her swords to redirect the Knight's claws. Watching as his last attack caused the Herrscher's left arm to slightly recoil from the strike, he saw his chance: somersaulting backwards and quickly flicking his legs in order to slam his feet into Hua's chin. Landing on his feet and causing the dust beneath him to swirl, Perceval prepared his right hand by his hip and slashed upwards; arching his back in order to gain more height with his attack. "Wide open!"

Tearing through Hua's garment, blood spilled from her chest as the three golden amber claws tore through her flesh with the sound of tearing skin alongside the Herrscher's pained yelps. Standing to her feet after Perceval's attack with a hunched posture, she regenerated her clothing to keep some dignity through her crazed frown. The Herrscher of Sentience sent out chains to ensnare Perceval, red Honkai splaying from her back in wing-like shapes that pulsed furiously.

"Game over, you're dead! Grip of Taixuan!"

Perceval roared and lunged his arms forward, shattering the chains that bound him. "You'll have to do better than that!" The Herrscher of Wrath blitzed forward in a flash of orange Honkai, coating his claws in Honkai.

"You're nothing but a leaf in the wind! Spiral Storm!"

Whirling forwards in a spin, the latent Honkai in the air became visible: coloured bright orange as it twisted into a jagged spiral of wind and energy that cut the ground apart. Using the sheath of her weapons like a hammer, Dark Hua split through the wind as she glared at the Knight-turned-Herrscher. If looks could kill, Perceval would have died on the spot. Both Herrschers were panting heavily, at a standstill. 

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