Act 33: Drifter

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4:30PM: Underground Railway, Shicksal Vimur Labs

The clanging of metal continued echoing in the enclosed tunnel, sparks catching onto the floor and other Honkai Beasts. Zagreus' blade ignited into flames while Perceval entered a two handed swing, slicing clean through the Mech in front of him with the ear screeching sound of splitting metal. Perceval looked to Durandal who thrust her lance into another Mech, slicing upwards and splitting it in half with the same screech of metal. "Bianka, how are we looking?" The Valkyrie looked back as she tapped her lance on the ground. "We need to head above ground, they're heading towards the Divine Key testing grounds." Perceval sheathed his sword and gestured towards the stairwell up through the subway. "Let's move." They sprinted up the stairs, Perceval felt a tingle in the air and came to a sliding stop as he felt the strange sensation. The Knight knew it well: the essence of Fenghuang Down. It was strong, not like how Kiana used it. Durandal noticed his stop once she was a few steps up, looking back down to Perceval. "... Darling?" Perceval stood silent as he felt the essence slowly dying down, his gaze growing soft. "It's Hua. Her Ki... It's... It's fading..." The Knight reached into a pocket inside his Night Sky battlesuit, drawing out a Fenghuang feather. The amber colour was now darker, almost completely rust brown. The Ki that emanated from the feather was faint and weak, the edges fraying softly. "... Let's keep moving." Perceval placed the feather back in his pocket, racing up the stairs past Durandal who quickly followed behind. The Valkyrie's expression softened. "Perceval..." The Knight shook his head, his fists clenching tightly. "Don't worry about me... Let's just keep going." Durandal held his hand as they ran, gently squeezing it to reassure him. 

'... He's lost another friend...' 


'... I'm so sorry...'

5PM: City outside Shicksal Vimur Labs, North Africa

The water rippled beneath his feet, the clear water reflecting his appearance. The man held up his hand and cradled the amber feather in his fingers as it hovered above his palm, emanating a gentle warmth. "... Your last attack was powerful, Hua. But you lacked the power to sustain it." The man named Kevin Kaslana gazed sorrowfully at the feather, the warmth that would have flooded his fingers was absent as he felt remorse flood his being. "We could have witnessed humanity's victory over the Honkai as comrades. But it seems that is not how it was meant to be." Kevin clutched the Fenghuang Down in his hand gently, stowing it within his jacket. "You have given far too much. You need rest." As he stowed away the feather, the dream world around him vanished and put him back within the sand ridden city. "Sleep in peace, friend. I will wake you once this is over." A voice crackled through Kevin's intercoms. 

"Sire? What was that just now?" 

Kevin managed a soft smile as he crossed his arms, looking down at the sand that shifted under the light winds. "A reunion with an old friend." The voice belonged to Jackal, who quickly continued onwards. "The Herrscher escaped and as of now, we're unable to locate her. Durandal and Perceval are also on their way to your location." Kevin's expression solidified. "Then I will start with them..." Before he could finish his words, Kevin felt a change in the air; a change in the Honkai Welt levels in the air. He turned to see the two Shicksal warriors standing before him; Durandal's Bright Knight: Excelsis battlesuit reflecting the bright sunlight, giving her an angelic appearance. "... You must be the Serpent's head." Kevin said nothing as he turned to look at Perceval; his black Night Sky jacket swaying hypnotically in the wind. "... Perceval Avlonia..." The Knight's eyebrows furrowed as he gazed deeply into Kevin's sapphire eyes, trying to peer into his thoughts. "Kevin Kaslana... The strongest of the Fire Moth..." Kevin turned away from them, gesturing for them to follow. 

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