Act 15: Confession

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12AM: Perceval's Room, Shicksal HQ

Durandal sat up in bed and turned over to see Perceval still fast asleep, his expression was sad. His face was stained with tears, the breaths he took were shaky with sobs in between. Durandal frowned and stroked his head, running her hands through his thick hazel hair. He whimpered, turning over to face Durandal. His hand reached out to the Valkyrie. He was still half asleep, muttering in his slumber. "D-Don't go..." Durandal looked on in sympathy, Perceval's arm managed to snag her arm. His grip tightened. "I-I'm scared... D-Don't leave..." Durandal laid down beside him and leaned her forehead against his, she whispered softly to him. "It's alright... I'm here..." Perceval wrapped his other arm around Durandal and pulled her closer, the Valkyrie smiled sadly. "I'll be here as long as you need..." Perceval slowly opened his eyes, tears still running down his face. He smiled emptily. "T-Thank you, D-Durandal..." The Valkyrie looked into Perceval's eyes which still dripped with tears. "How are you holding up?" The Knight closed his eyes. "S-Slightly better..." Durandal managed a small smile. "I'm glad..." Perceval frowned. "I-I don't understand... Why do you personally care for me like this?" Durandal tilted Perceval's head up to face her. "You're a very dear friend to me, Perceval. I've explained this before, it hurts me to see you in pain. Even more so when you're literally broken like this." The Knight heard her voice tremble a tiny bit, Durandal held her other hand to her chest. "I don't want you to feel like that. Not just because it affects your ability in battle, but because I really enjoy when you smile and laugh." She chuckled. "Since I have met you, my time here at Shicksal has been more fun than it ever has been." Durandal looked down to the bed. "When I saw you in your nightmares and your broken state... I... I felt hurt inside. Like I was powerless to do anything." Perceval's eyes widened. "You've... Felt powerless before?" Durandal nodded. "No matter how strong I physically am, I... Really don't know how to provide any sort of comfort to anyone. Knowing I can't do that when my friend is suffering is... Painful." Perceval shook his head. "Don't say that. Your comfort single-handedly dampens the impact of my frequent nightmares. Not to mention, it's... Really helping my current state. So... Thank you, Durandal." The Valkyrie blushed lightly. "That means a lot to me... Thank you, Perceval." The Knight blushed in response. "You're welcome..." Durandal put her arms around Perceval, she pulled herself slightly closer to warm herself up. "It's getting late. We should get some sleep." Perceval nodded. "Yeah, good night." The Valkyrie smiled lightly. "Sleep well, Perceval." The Knight dozed off and slumped into the sheets, Durandal brushed his hair from his face. She leaned forward and lightly pecked him on the cheek. "Thank you for believing in me." Durandal shuffled her head up to the pillow and let her eyelids glide shut.

7AM: Perceval's Room, Shicksal HQ

The cold morning air nipped at Perceval's bare arms, he turned over and groaned. He noticed Durandal was already out of bed, he opened his eyes and sat up. The Knight stretched his arms and glanced over to his bedside table, it read '7AM, 25th of December'. He stepped out of the bed and put his lab outfit on, Rita was waiting for him in the hallway. "Good morning, Master Perceval." He nodded. "Morning, Rita. Have you seen Durandal?" The maid nodded and gestured towards the dining room. "We can discuss over breakfast." Perceval raised an eyebrow, then shrugged and moved with Rita to the dining room. She sat him down in front of a delectable omelette, Perceval dug his fork into the soft egg and split it. "This looks delicious. Thank you, Rita." The maid sat down opposite him as he began to eat, the texture was perfectly fluffy. There was a certain charm about the harmony between the flavours of the egg, various herbs and small amount of chilli, Perceval smiled. "I'll have to ask about the recipe for this later." Rita chuckled. "It's very simple. I'll give it to you later." Perceval placed his cutlery on the empty plate, he stood and took the dishes up to the dishwasher. Rita waited at the table. "Perceval, do you know what next week is?" The Knight nodded. "Of course, it's Durandal's birthday." The maid chuckled. "Do you have anything planned for her?" Perceval raised an eybrow. "What are you getting at?" Rita leaned her hands on the table and stared at Perceval as he sat down. "Master Durandal. You like her as more than a friend, don't you?" Perceval turned his head away and held his hand to his face to cover his embarrassment. "Y-Yeah... I do..." Rita clasped her hands together. "I know well that Master Durandal also sees you as something more. The two of you share a... Special sort of relationship." Perceval turned his head back. "Go on." The maid produced a rose from her pockets. "You need to make a move." She handed the bright red flower to the Knight, who turned it over in his hand. "January the first, that is your chance." Perceval nodded. "I... Do have a partial plan." Rita smiled coyly. "Oh? Go on..." Perceval removed Maria's necklace from his neck and placed it on the table. "I don't need this necklace anymore. It's a symbol of my attachment to the past, to my weakness." He chuckled. "Ironic that I've kept it for so long." Rita looked slightly confused at Perceval. "You're going to give Master Durandal the necklace." The Knight shook his head. "Not at all. I'm not that cheap." He opened his hand and performed 'Infernal Mimicry', in his hand formed a set of flaming earrings. "I'm going to reforge the necklace into these, it'll be more of a... Sentimental gift, rather than a gift out of obligation." Rita smiled. "That's quite a wonderful idea." Perceval extinguished the flames, then chuckled. "I was... Thinking about taking her for a ride on my motorcycle as well." Rita's eyes widened. "You have a motorcycle?" The Knight gestured for her to follow, she obliged and stood from her seat. Perceval led Rita to his private workshop in the R&D department, smack-bang in the middle, was a deep silver bike. It was a Kawasaki Ninja, an oldie, but a goodie. Custom details had been added: a holder for his sword, a second seat and thicker tires. The bike had been touched up with a semi-gloss dark silver coat of paint, orange lighting adorned the wheel rims and undersides. Perceval's name was etched onto the front-side near the headlights, it also bore glowing angel-like wing decals on the sides. Rita walked up to it and ran her hands over the side of the motorcycle. "I never knew you liked this kind of thing." Perceval chuckled. "I do quite enjoy going for a ride on it. The feeling of freedom and the wind rushing through my hair feels... Nice." He pet the front of the bike. "It's not flying, but it certainly makes for a great road experience." The maid smiled. "Yes... I believe Master Durandal will enjoy that." Perceval nodded. "Thank you, Rita." The maid shook her head. "No need to thank me, this is your idea. You should be proud of yourself instead." The Knight nodded. "I'll try." Rita turned around to walk out. "I'll arrange some flowers for the day." Perceval nodded, then stumbled upon a problem. "Wait. How will I surprise her with a motorcycle ride?" Rita chuckled lightly. "Don't worry. She will be at St. Freya delivering commission materials, you will meet her there before she departs back to base." Perceval nodded. "Alright... Thank you, Rita." The maid bowed. "Good luck, Master Perceval." She closed the door with a slight mechanical hiss, Perceval turned to the necklace in his other hand. "Sorry, Maria. I have to move on." He clutched the pendant in his hand and turned to his workbench. "I have a lot of work to do and so little time to do it."

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